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Here's a can of worms for you!!! - Love and Romance


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I have never smelled a penis... and don't really want to, LOL! ick

Lol, girl you are something else ...lmao. I can't stop laughing right now. omg. ..

Okay, there is something in all of this I find strange.... many lesbians have been with men at some point in time.... I am a lesbian and I've been with men up until a couple of years ago because I wasnt ready to come out prior to that for many reasons that many lesbians have experienced.... So does that mean I'm undatable because I've been with men and had their dick in my vag and all of that? That's what some of you are saying. I'm a lesbian but its the same idea as the bisexual woman that has had dick.. cuz their junk has been there before... So you're telling me that you're all gold stars and never been with men and any woman that has is not worth your time? It is a preference whether you want to date a bisexual or lesbian woman... but don't say ignorant things like its because theyve had a dick.... most lesbians probably have before they came out. And also.. it doesn't matter if a woman moves on to a man or another woman... either way it means its over. Some of the reasons that are come up with for this are just as ignorant as the straights that say gays are the destruction of society. Either stop being a biggot toward bisexuals or just admit you're a biggot toward them. Or just say I wont date a bisesxual woman just like I won't date a white, black, brown, red, or yellow woman because it's preference.. not these ridiculously narrow reasons that scream ignorant biggotry. We are an oppressed group oppressing our own... It's lgbt not lg! disgusting.

My friends and I jokingly refer to bi's as the homosexual version of being agnostic, sorry if that sounds mean its not intended to be. All kidding aside it is a difficult situation, i could never personally date someone who is bi simply because that is a huge thing to not have in common. That being said I don't believe anyone should judge you on what feels natural to you, just as long as your honest from the beginning of the relationship and let your lady know that you do also enjoy the company of men... Gross sorry if you don't your kinda asking for trouble . Also just my own opinion here to respond to Heather no you are not undateable , I think the issue is going back and forth it does get frustrating, but like I said if your honest from the beginning it's not your problem when and if it ends.

Also I'm not hater of anyones sexual orientation but I also agree that all to often its assumed that a lesbian will happily join in on a threesome where the reality is OMG noooooo!!! Being a lesbian is not an erotic fantasy it's life, I have never witnessed a bi stick it out with her girlfriend, I have witnessed this situation with lots of my friends and it's always do sad when their done playing around and go back their " real" relationships with a boyfriend.

Well okay at some point I know that lesbians tried to do the so called "right" thing by their parents or society and tried to be with a man. But when they decided they couldn't do it they quit it and came out and have never been with a man again. There is a big difference between someone that is with a man and then goes to a woman and wants to be with her just for a little while and then back to a man.

It's okay if they want to go back and forth but find someone that is okay with that and they know about it so they won't get all caught up in you. with this knowledge they will not be surprised that you go back to a man at some point.

This keeps everything above board and maybe no one will get hurt in the long run. I rarely have seen a bi stay in a very long term relationship with a lesbian.

heather for your own info preference and biggotry are not the same
preference is when you prefer something or someone
biggotry is all about race and hate is when you hate someone cuase of their color of their skin or from where there coming from.
i want to tell you too that i never had a man in my life or my p****y ! never
only women! and you are the one that say "to each its own"
i don't have the right to call you "ignorant" i'll never do that to anybody!

not they are not... there is a big difference. And if you open this can of worms to begin with about this subject well you better be able to handle all the stuff that goes with it.

Just sayin

@ Holly, Betsy and Sandy, well said. Totally agree with everything ya'll said.

I did say there was a difference between preference and bigotry.. and here is the definition of a bigot...

big·ot (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

it's not only for race issues....

and just because someone hates you for being a lesbian, you think its okay to hate on bisexuals because your feelings were hurt when your ex went back to a man. I get that people have preferences... we ALL do, but I think it's bogus when all of these people are hating on ALL bisexual people just because some go back and forth...

cheating is cheating whether its with the same sex or not.. and prejudice is prejudice whether it comes from an oppressed group of people or not. Not all straight people hate gays and not all bisexual people cheat and do 3somes and all of that crap... people assuming that a lesbian will do 3somes with a man is a straight created prejudice. They assume all women want dick too and that is not because of bisexuals in general... that is because they are too in love with their own dick and too narrow to see that not all women want it. And then the straight women that go around kissing girls to get male attention... I think it's bogus to put all of their shit on bisexuals. Excuse the hell out of me for wanting to see reality. I know there are SOME shady ass bisexual people but there are SOME shady ass lesbians, gays, straights, trannys, whites, blacks, etcetera, etcetera... That's all I'm trying to say. Have your damn preferences, just don't be so damn blatantly prejudice. Rise above that and be better people than our oppressors.

i never said anything bad about bi women, i would not dare. you are assuming that about me and others here, i just say like you say "to each its own" your own words
pardon me but you know what you do when you "assume" *******
i'll let the matter rest! just think about "assume********
i will never have a relationship with a bisexual woman, i'm not assuming that. i know it!

i just say it is a matter of preference! i prefer a les femme, i love them!
to each its own! and i'm not a bigot! i'm hispanic but i know the diference between those two words. i live it everyday of my life!

I didn't say anything about bi's but that they should let the person know they will want a man later on at some point. Then no harm no fowl...I would not be with a bi just for that reason the guy thing just isn't appealing to me at all..

It is not all fun and games for most of us Lesbians. Men do usually assume that lesbians will do threesomes with him and his girl. Any that I have met is exactly what they want. That is just nasty to me.

Tranny's have their own issues too. LIke being caught between a rock and a hard place... They are neither here not there... I don't know how that works out for them. But again.... make things clear before you start something with someone so they don't get all caught up in you and get hurt in the end..

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