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Here's a can of worms for you!!! - Love and Romance


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Okay, first, I'm not sure who all is talking to me in this convo... I didn't start the conversation but I sure am supporting the bisexual women that have done nothing wrong.. and also I am speaking in general of the discrimination against bisexuals in our community... and other groups for that matter. I really wasn't trying to attack anyone specific but I will admit that reading through everything there were some people saying prejudiced things against bisexuals and I think they have already dropped out of the conversation.. and others were agreeing with them.. maybe not all of what theyre saying but I'm not psychic to know which ones specifically.. and agreeing with prejudice is the same as saying it in my opinion. I've read so many blogs and discussions about this same topic of discrimination against bi's... I'm not talking about simply preference.. I mean all out prejudiced ignorance.. so I do get heated because any discrimination is wrong. But either way, my comments were not sweeping statement that include every lesbian that doesn't want to date a bi. I get what youre saying about being honest and open.. I completely agree.. all relationships should have that. I am just putting that stuff out there because there are A LOT of people that say prejudiced things about bi's in our own community and I think it's awful.

And Sandy.. you should write a song about it.

heather you are so sweet! but really i have no room for hate in my heart!
let me tell you that i'm a triple whammy (like they say)
i'm hispanic, i'm lesbian and i'm a butch, a nice butch but a butch anyway!
and all this love is for a les femme then for everybody else in a different way but is love anyway!

No one is saying that being bi is wrong no one!!! We are just answering the question honestly , and the honest answer is lesbians should date lesbians and I'm sorry if you don't like this but bisexual women are not what I call lesbians,your just not, for me I only like women always!! My mom always tells the story of my comming out being when i was like 8 or 9 seeing a k.d Lang video and saying to her someday I'm going to marry that boy my mom said Holly that's a girl and replied awesome , sooo no you know if your gay and if you have an awesome support like I do it's no biggie... Sandy I'm so sorry your family does that to you.

Bi or lesbian I think we can agree that straight women are the worst!!! They flirt you flirt thinking maybe...... Denied. Sucks. Stay away from the flirty straight women :~)

Also though there are those lesbians that actually believe she can change her bisexual gf .. I have a dear friend who almost exclusively dates bi chicks and it never ends well.. Ever, Ive told her its almost sick what she does to herselfe.

@ holly thank you and i agree with you a 100%. my family being like that with me made stronger and more loving. i'm trying to splain how dificult it is to be a butch or to be me or women like me. i cannot hide the way i'm but a les femme or a bi can!
as soon as people see me they know i'm a lesbian and i'm coservative in the way i'm and i dress! you cannot imagine the way some people look at me. but i earn my respect and nobody dare to tell me anything bad, no cuase they are scare of me its cuase i respect them too! think about this i'm hispanic too!
i'm not asking for any pity or nothing like that. i'm strong independent and most of all i have a heart and don't matter what "i keep on trucking"

lol btw holly.. IM A LESBIAN! So it's not "my kind" I'm defending. but "lesbians should date lesbians" is the same as saying whites should date whites and blacks should date blacks and so on. and btw its difficult to be a femme lesbian too... no one believes youre a lesbian and that youre faking.. or they dont even know youre one. and my family doesn't like me being gay and all of that shit too. I didnt come out to myself even til I was 28 because I was afraid of what might happen... no lesbian (or gay, bi, or tranny for that matter) has it easy.. but whatever... I'm done wasting my breath. Talk about beating a dead horse while talking to a brick wall.

@ Sandy, I'm triple whammy too. woman, black, lesbian. HAHAA but we keep trucking right?

Is Heather a lesbian now? I thought she was bisexual OMG I am confused.

Exactly what Betsy was saying. Please make up your mind what you are and be honest about it. That's all we are saying. NO back and forth whenever it's convenient. No flip flopping. A lesbian will always be a lesbian, a bisexual will become a lesbian when it's convenient and then turn around and turn straight when it's conenient you know, like a chameleon.

That's the difference between the two.


No Heather it is not the same as saying whites should only date whites. At first I was being lighthearted on this subject because it's pretty cut and dry but your making us sound awful like we hate bi's... Please hop off your cross. What I'm saying is yes lesbians should only date lesbians because you know what your getting into, you know that ideally she is completly out , you know that she wants to be with women only and she most likely has had the same expierences being a lesbian as you have and I'm sorry that bisexuals have not. Being a lesbian is not a choice , lesbians only like women. It's also a little bit of a social issue, I personally don't want to be a phase in someone's life , an experiment if you will.

Heather also I'm sorry your family does that, I'm tomboy chic as my lovely little *** calls me and my extended family had tried to set me up with men because they didn't believe me either, it stopped after my mom freaked out. Congrats on comming out it is difficult.

@hi holly, heather is a lost cause! like i said to her before!
i agree with you and amanda 100% i think there is more about her that she is not saying but i don't want to go deep. i have my own problems and she is not going to admit anything about her reality! it can hit her in the face and she will not admite it! you i'll see how she is going to be furious about this

i rest my case! case close my friends!

to come out as a lesbian to your family and your friends is very difficult and you have to be strong mentally and have integrity! if you are not, you will be confuse and angry all your life!

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