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Are They Just words? - Love and Romance

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LOL UR SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! XD lmao ur so the type of girl i would attack just randomly everyday XD god i always get in trouble when its a cute girl
just early today i was in a building and i was about to walk down the stairs and this girl was walking up i didnt really pay her no mind and out of nowhere she almost felled backwards down the stairs i grabbed and pulled her close to me

and was like "are u ok?" not really paying attection i was more worried would i catch her in time

her eyes met mine OMFG!!!! her eyes ugh!! so pretty oh man was i blushing she was about to cry because she was scared lol omfg she was soooo fucking cute i did grope her by a mistake though XD i gots boobage =3

she was adorable had a cute booty to but then i saw my bus i ran for the bus xD and forgot about her XD she was like wait! i wanted to thank u!

she probably thought i didnt hear her
then the bus pulled off LOL

-Comes in and snatches and eat cupcake-

don't let ur guard down cookie girl!
*turns to Miranda*
How about me and you and this icing get together and I can top u with this and u be my cupcake for awhile before Crystal kicks the door in!

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