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whys it so hard? - Love and Romance


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hey, i wanted to ask everyone, y is it so hard to find someone to love and someone to love u back, truely and whole heartly?.....

Because ppl are immature and will do anything to keep from getting hurt. But i've also meet someone who would make you fall for them than just break up wit you. Lucky I found someone who treats me the way I deserve

the prob is why we ask such questions and at the same time are drawn by the idea they are "fake" or "immature"; true, men are losing their malehood at the present, losing their masculinity and get undetermined "feminized"; this is often sad, but the same is true for girls as well. getting mature and full of feelings is a challenge and true love has always being a challenge. i dont look only for friends for one night and one day; or just to feel special touching special skins. i look for love, and love also drives me to give of myself thus knowing who i am. and then i am so glad that the woman and the boys feel relieved soul and body.

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