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Valentine's Day Ideas - Love and Romance


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Alright so normally it's really easy for me to come up with cute romantic ideas to please my girl but im totally empty.

I know I want to do this:
She's told me multiple times that she sucks at cooking so I'm bring her over to my house and we are gonna cook a bunch of stuff togather..

But see she isn't my official Girlfriend so I'm planing to ask her out on V-Day. So....
1. I need help coming up with a romantic way to ask her out
2. I wanna hear some of your Valentine Stories/ Ideas

aww that is soo awesome the cooking together thing hmm maybe the way of asking her to cook with u by getting a little cupcake or watever and sticking a note inside with a little note(u think of something u poet u =P) and she reads it BAM invite XD thats all i can come up with right now i'm sooo having a sugar rush XD

OOOO whats that PANTIES -runs after panties-

If you're both into chinese food, set that as your cooking theme. Then, you can get a box of fortune cookies and microwave one for about 5-10 secs to pull it apart and stick your own note in it. I did that for my ex once; she was pretty amazed.

Really?? OMG I love that idea Randi and Crystal. I think I may actually be able to do somthing with both those ideas. I really love the fortune cookie idea because personally I love those little suckers. Hmm. Thanks so much!!
So any more ideas or stories?

Me too. I might even minipulate the shape into a heart and use food coloring.

Actually.. I think I might make a game out of this. lol. Now that I've got a basic idea my romantic side is kicking in.

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