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Gave up on men? Or just couldn't do it - Love and Romance


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I've been thinking a lot lately on how difficult is is for a man to understand a woman, and even if he just wants sex he has to work damn hard to get it, unless he's buying from the street. It a bit easier for us women to love each other cause we understand at most times and at best.
But overall i'm just curious on others thoughts, did you give up on men cause your heart was broken to much? they hurt you to badly? or you just couldn't be with them and it just felt wrong?

I dated guys since i was four, it was what i knew. but it never felt right, i never thought that i could be with a girl, never crossed my mind until high school. i think that's when i got scared and dated and did worse things to prove to myself that a guy is right for me, but no matter how hard i tried i only got hurt and i came to understand my heart was never in the commitment, so why did i need a guys heart in it. plus i learnt that guys were to easy to get and a bore, i'll be honest there, there was no such thing as movie picture true man.
than i dated a girl and even tho i knew she was just doing it to help me, it was the best relationship i've ever had, isnt that rather sad? you date someone and you know it's not going to be a real relationship, your not going to get far, they actually don't think of you that why, they just helping you and yet that's the time you've ever felt happiest? ever felt like a relationship is real? I learned i like women from those times with her and learnt there were many reasons behind why i could enjoy my time with women, i could never think of any reasons why i'd be happy with a man and never could even see it happening.
So i gave up on men, because i just couldn't do it.

(sorry, blabed on, just been over thinking about a lot of things lately and wanted to try and get some off my chest)

ooo ok ok my turn hmm

i was never really intrest in guys i mean they been my best friends since i was in pre-k i mean yeah i hit on them and they hit on me to but it was more of a game we would just be playing nothing serious. since i was in 1st or 2nd grade i always played the knight on the school play ground (and if a boy try to steal my role i kicked his ass LOL ) and the girls just loved me so did some of the boys my *** got most of the boys and the girls just flock over to me lol me and my *** shes in my icon pic everyone calls us twins since we were little so one is straight, one one is gay, one likes yuri, one likes yaoi we are like mirror oppisties lol but anyway everyone would always kiss on us hug us give us v-day present all types of crazy stuff we use to let them kiss on us until my little sis caught mono from one of the boys and almost died from it then we both were like fucked that shit no more LOL then we became scared of kissing anyone or letting anyone kiss us esp. my *** she has it bad lol

the only bf i had was a guy in high school when i was in 9th or 10th grade and he kept sending me stuff like putting stuff in my locker love notes and all that and i knew who he was i use to tease him a lot and he fell for me so did my best friend David also my other friends Damon and Charles
but my head was like so stuck in the damn books i didnt know who i liked and my homegirls were just like he freaking cute girl go date him he wants let him pop ur cherry blah blah so i was like ehh wtf it couldnt hurt? we went out for a whole week lol i had to stop it didnt feel right because everytime he tried to kiss i was thinking of my girl crush or i was thinking ew gross! lol and he kept picking me up for class offer to carry books and stuff he was a real sweetheart but it was like... eh i cant explain it was like it just didnt fit! i didnt see the cuteness everyone was talking about i can see it in girls lol but not in a guy i just wasnt attracted to him so i broke up with him and he moved to a different school didnt talk to him since it was to bad to he was ok i told him i just wanted to be friends. my thoguhts were never limited to i HAD to date a guy i just had a big imagination that i could be anything or anyone i want and really didnt give fuck of who thought it was wrong or not (yes i roll like that XD )
but of course when i told my famliy i was gay nu u have to be bi give a guy a shot bleh still not i dont see it i dont see how Denzel is hot? even my my twin doesnt see it BLEH and i hate that to we are not twins! lol my mom use to dress us up to match each other from birth till i was in the freaking 8th grade! lol

but i am very picky like really picky its hard for me to even find an intrest in a girl
well i blabed enough there it is

-gropes lea booty- ^^ ur so cute omg ur cute XD

I actually have two main reasons.
Women are to state it plain and simple, amazing. Just, everything about them is inspiring and soul wrenching. That is one thing that pulled me into the gay spot light.
The second is that men don't tend to care for me. I'm to much like a man myself for them to date me.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was the typical straight, church going girl until 8th grade. My friends and I were just eating lunch and this girl from our science class came over to me, I swear she was as red as a tomato! lol, but she told me she was given a dare. Turns out her friends wanted to embarrass both of us and told her she had to kiss me. I tell ya, it was like that kiss broke down alot of built up walls inside of me. I was just Bi after that, I still havn't gone all the way with a girl, but I got married then divorced before I was 21 and just the thought of men in my life sexually is nauseating. After being majorly ***d by my ex-husband and my step fater, I just am not able to.. You get the picture, right? A lot of my family is disgusted by me now that I came out. *chuckle* At least I never have to wonder if I can bring a date to family events, now do I? Dang nabbit, I sick of being alone and a joke...

Sorry for the sap..But it's written down now, oh well.

  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly have nothing against guys, I've dated some really nice guys but I just always felt like something was missing. And I seem to attract nice guys to me which is good and bad all at the same time. I don't want to date a guy again.. I know it won't last even if I were happy in the beginning. And I don't like to hurt anyone..

Hopefully I will find someone that will make me feel like everything is right and nothing is missing from my life.

i gave up on guys when i started dating my gf... i wasnt happy with a guy anymore after what my ex did to me... he really fucked me over big time.. i felt something was missing... then i started talkin to my gf i knew i had to be with her.. for some reason my heart was telling me i have to be with her... here we are 2 months later happy as i can be... yea we are in a long distance relationship right but that will change here in 2 months.. we are getting married in july.. being with her has change me for the better... she is my every first gf and all... but it just seems so right... my son loves talkin to her and has gotten bonded to her... she is the first person i ever saw a long future with that had marriage in it...

It is so nice to see i'm not alone here.

I gave up on men, so completely. I've always been attracted to women but had to hide it due to my family, and i made myself pretend I was happy with men when I wasn't. They said they liked me, turns out, I was too much of one of the boys.

I video game and all that, I want to work on cars and all that jazz. But no, it never was completely satisfying with a man, it always went downhill and I always ended up hurt.

So, i'm done fighting it. I know my family (Besides my mom, dad, little brother and little *** and step-father) Will turn their backs on me, i'm well aware of this, but I can't make them happy anymore, i'm sick of being miserable.

Sorry to prattle, but there it is.

no need to be sorry. i so get that, except the fam part...
but your right, you do need to think of you own happiness, cause really isn't that even what parents want in the end? so go for it!

What do you do when you've turned a female out but she's too worried about what her family thinks, but at the same time says she's used to men. She doesn't want you to date anyone else and she won't date noone else either just like the two of you are in a relationship, but your not in a relationship. Should i move on, or continue to let her gradually come out of her shell. What do you do when your patience have ran thin and when you start talking to other people, the tables turn and she starts acting like she did when the two of you were together with buying you things, making that good love, and just simply spending time with yu to show you she wants to be with you?

the wanting you part is clear but does she want you enough to not care what her family or anyone else thinks? is she really completely comfortable liking women maybe you should just let her figure out what she truly wants first before you give into her

  • 3 weeks later...

what do you do, if your married to a man right now, and just realize that your into women? I got married in July 09, I have a 2 yr old son, and I just decided that Im for sure gay. I have no interest in my husband or any other man at all, other than my guy friends. The thought of being with a man repulses me. then there are women.... I find women so attractive, and easy to get along with. Before I got married, I had been with both men and women, and always preffered women, but stayed with the man... I dont understand why I did that, Now look at the pickle I got myself into.... what do I dooo'????

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