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How young is to young? - Love and Romance


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To be honest I would say that the gay community loses their Virginity earilier than the Heterosexual Community only because everyone I've asked seems to match that assumption but what about you guys.
If you arn't a Virgin what age did you loose it at and what age do you think really is just to young to loose it?

mm...I am not going to say what age, cause when I consider willing losing it to when I actually lost it is years apart.

15 is when I lost mine.. I know I lost mine to early. I think 15 is too early. I think 16 and even 17 is to early, but I know that kids younger than 15 are having sex in schools now. I really worry about my nieces and how early they might lose their virginity. &gt_

I'm sorry to hear that hollie....

In my opinon it's based on a lot of different things. Loosing your Virginity to a girl I'd allow for a younger age, loosing it to a guy I'd make the age higher. It would also depend on the level of the relationship one was in. With girlxgirl I just might.. maybe say 16 is okay with guyxgirl I'd probably have to go with 18.

Well I lost mine with 15 and was mentally really with 12, only didnt have the right partner. I think 16/17 is the right age for most people. I was pretty early and always the most pervertedwithin my circle of friends.
With some homosexual ppl that I know, they had trouble loosing their virginity (or frankly gettin in a relationship in the first place) because all gay communities had older guys, since actually noticing your true orientation takes time for some.
Hence I think luck is involved partly. Atleast if you care who you loose it too.
There is a slight bias that non-heteros are more... daring? concerning sexual practices, perhaps because you need to be "open minded" to be homosexual? I dunno what they think, Im just guessing.
I for my part am a bit too out of the box for some
german saying: "wer zu allen seiten offen ist, kann nicht ganz dicht sein."
'Who's to all sides open, can't be leakproof', meaning who's open minded to everything is bit loony (dicht / leakproof being a pun).
I guess it's stupid in english... oh well.

btw, what do you mean "to a girl"? does to whom or what gender change the age? and how and why

Yes for me gender of the person does kinda change by opionion. If it was two girls I would lower the age, if it was a girl and a Guy I higher it. That has more to do with the fact that there are more worries for a GirlxGuy than Girlxgirl

I do need to get somthing off my chest and talk about it.
Last night I ended up over at my friends house with Kyla, Jasmin (13), Kristen(15), Me (16), and Rhapsody (17)

I ended up making out with Jasmin and Rhapsody. It's not an excuse but I didn't relise Jasmin was only 13. She doesnt look it or act it. A person that age should not even know the expressions she was making.

Now that thought is stuck in my head and half me says it was wrong but the other half says it was perfectly fine.
Wrong sides Arguement: She was wayto young period. Not just for YOU but to young period. She was a complete stranger to you. She's like your Best friends ***. Her GF was right there in the room
Okay sides Arugment: She knew what she was doing. You weren't high on anything. You just made out. She was willing. She kinda started it. Her GF was doing the same thing with Raphsody.

So I need some help ya'll. What do you think?

Wow..... I don't know really what to think.. I have a friend right now that is serving time in the Chicago, IL Prison because of something like this. He was making out and ended up having sex with someone who was under 18, but looked older. My friend who was 24 at the time was over at the kids house and the kids parents walked in on them having sex. Well the kids parents screamed *** and now my friend is stuck in jail and will be labeled as a sex offender till he is in his 40's. I know you didn't have sex with her, but it's like playing with fire. Just be careful Arryn, I'd hate to see anything bad happen to you. : ]

Yeah. just a few more.. It's ok though..*Gives Arryn a pat on the back.*

mmm...her legal is 16 can be with someone 4 years older but no more than 4 years, same with 17, 18 is completely legals *rubs her eyes tiredly* they called me a pedo when I was in the hospital and a 17 yr old asked me out, and I was 21 -_-) but no charges were laid....mmmm....they also said that because I was apparently talking in appropriatly to some curious ***s who had questions about sex, same sex sex and hetero sex....ugh its so fuckin retarded

they also didn't like the fact that I kept thementertained, we did crafts talked and lifted their spirits up (two were ana's and two were mias -if you know what that mens and no its not their names) when I left two were still in the hospital they asked if \I would come back and visit them I said yes, and when I tried to go back the nurses said I wasn't allowd to see them

yeah I know its fucked, but I find a lot of the hopstials here are really retarded, I could tell you many stories about stupid shit that happens in the hospitals here, but I dont wnat to bore you!

Hey hit me with your best story. I don't have much of a life outside my room so... go ahead.

okay here's a really recent one, about two weeks ago I went into City hospital for some fluids and a dose of a stronger *** killer to get through the rest of the day (I went in a 12pm and never left till about 600pm), I needed the fluids because I was pretty dehydrated (and still am), I told the nurse what I needed, and about 15 minutes later they took me back into the mail ER area. I saw the doctor, I told him I needed fluids and he asked me how much I thought I needed I told him I wasn't sure how much a bag was (and I wass thinking WTF your the doctor not me!) I also told him what my *** level was at (on a 1-10 scale) I was at a 10 (which is high) he asked me what ***killers I took and what dose I was one, so I told him. He than left to call my family doctor (because he was judging me on appearnce and thought I was nothing but a junky). I ended up having to wait for my family doc to call hi back to say Yes this is what she needs and give it to her) so her came back asked me about my medical history, I told him all about my scars and surgeries and that my stomah wasn't hard (he still asked to let him feel it so I lifted up the gown) and he's like what are these scars from (WTF I just told you....I was seriously thinking are you fucking high or what?) than he asks me 6 more times what ***k killers I am on, after we finally got that straightened around he asked me again how much fluid I wanted...I asked him what my options were and how long each bag would take (1L takes an hour and 2L takes two hours) *get a headach just thinking about it* I choose the 1L because I wanted to get the fuck out of there! Anyways so he decided to give me the 1L and a dose of my ***killers (when I say a dose I mean what I take at home, which wasn't helping) they didn't come back and check on my *** lever or to see how I was doing until the fluids were through my system....than when they finally do the doctor asks what my *** level was at and I told him the same, but I just wanted to go home, hes said no he was going to give me another dose (I could've just gone home and taken another fuckin dose, RETARD!) it only takes 5 minutes for a dose of ***killers to go through you but it took them another 15 to bring it to me than, so I had to sit there for another 5 minutes after that (I could've been home by than and taken an oral dose!)....so yeah....but seriously it was like everyone was fucking high in there (one young nurse refused to do my IV because she could only find one vein and it kept rolling on her, the tirage nurse didn't give my info to the ER nurse than the ER nurse almost forgot to give the doctor my chart with her notes on it -when she'd een filling it out when the fuckin doctor walked into the little room)....*is anadian and could tell you about shit loads of stuff that is wrong up here and how fucked up our health care system is and how it doesn't really work for me/my family/and people I know...mmm not just the health are system either the social services bullshit too!

Americain health systems arn't any better.
I've got my own story it happen a few months ago so won't be as detailed as yours.
Duringthe homecoming dance I got jumped by a couple of guys and I was pretty banged up I had a large swelling in my neck and back of the head along with bruising and swelling in my face. So my mom takes me to the hospital because my neighbor who is a paramedic said" That neck *** looks really bad you need to have that looked at." So there we are in the waiting room at the ER. We got there around 11am-12pm. We talked to the nurse and I told the women my *** level was at 6-7 and slowly getting higher. She took my temperture and said okay please sit down and wait for your chart to be pulled. 6pm later I'm still sitting in the waiting room. My swellings had worsend along with the *** and so my mom goes and asks about my chart and getting some meds. Nurse says my chart is the very next one and gives me some like baby TYN. So once again we go sit back down. Waiting room is filled with people exspecially a lot of babies. Well 11pm rolls around and there we are still waiting =. We go talk to the nurse again and tell them we've have been her quite some time how much longer. Well the nurse looks at me feels my lumps and bumps and says " OH you should have these looked at i'll go schedule a Cat scan." Amazingly that only takes about 45min. So I go in and have that done then go right back out into the waiting room. Another 45min later the nurse calls me back I put on that pretty little gown(HA!) and I sit on a bed for an hour. The doctor by the way was out in the waiting room most of the time talking up a conversation with some guy and his wife! (There was like only two doctors on duty)
Well I'm getting pretty pissed because its like 1am. I standing in the way of everything and finally the doctor comes in feels my lumps and bumps and says your perfectly fine and heres some motrin and a shot in the ass. good night.
I got home around 2-2:30am.
That is just plain pathetic.

When I was in Abbot Northwestern, there was a guy down the hall from my room that used to stand on his head and jerk off on his face and then walk around the unit.. Sorry.. Just thought I would throw in one of my many stories. *laughs gently* I'll go back into hiding now.. *slinks back to her chair and curls up in a blanket*

hmmm*scared Brienne away* hers a good graduattion story and its *tries to think* mm 5 ish years ago...I was basolutely in love with Stacey....okay wait...*rewinds a bit* I dated a guy name TOm, I'd spent xmas with him and a month before grad he broke up with me (he was suppose to be my escort) the retarde3d thing is right after he broke up with me he told me he'd cheated on me, than he had the balls to call and say he was sorry and wanted to know if i still wanted him to be my escort! I basically told him to fuck off and hung up on him...so I asked Stacey if she'd be my escort and she said yes...for some fucked up reason I went to the grade 12 grad party, drank way to much absynth that Molly ended up taking me to the hospital where they gave me some fluid and an anti nauseant, Molly stayed with me the entire night in the ER room and even slept in the bed with me....two days later was grad and I was seriously sick....Stacey had went to a grad the night before (here in Saskatoon, my grad was in Rosetown) anyways she stayed up the entire night and didn't get any sleep, she never came for my grad pics and was late for my grad, than she slept in the van through almost the entire thing (I was fuckin pissed), she came out for the escort dance than went back to sleep...we went out to the grad party (in ROsetown its on a farm and you get drink tickets and prizes and they play games (you have to have an adult drive you out there) \Staey came but once again slept through the entire fucking thing (ummm..well the entire time we were there which was maybe 2 hours because I started to get sick), we went back into town and her mom came and pickked her up and she said she'd see us in the morning, everyone that spent the night at my aunt's house stayed up all night and none of use slept (so you can imagine how tired we were) we went to Molly's at 6am for breakfast and her mom snapped on uus because Molly didn't take her meds (Molly is a really bad Bipolar/Bulemic/Schitzophrenic), she made Molly take her meds and she started to pass out so we figured fuck it we better load her up and get going (but once again Stacey was late, she knew we were going to leave at 7:30am at the latest and she didn't show up till 9am ish...so we finally get out to the lake and we make some special brownies set up the tents and go back inside to pass out on some comfy beds till my family arrives later on in the day, here's the fucked up part only 2 people stayed away and it was Cam and Staey, they went down to the beach and made out!! -_-) keep in mind I'd been in love with Stacey for over a year and we'd agreed not to be with anyone else (we are both bi). Anyways she fucking bragged about making out iwth Cam right infront of me (Cam is an ugly ass fuck in my opinion) so she ended up dating Cam and he was so infatuated with her that he moved to Vancouver when she went, when he was ***d to move back to Saskatoon because of a lack of money he came back and worked three jobs just so he could go back and be with her -_-) he did and they dated still, till (from what ii was told by his best friend Preston aka Blindass -I'll tell you the story behind tis some other time) she basically ripped his heart out and cut it into tiny pieces, he was pretty fucked up from the entire thing for 2 years after...(I am not looking for attention or trying to out do anyone...but yeah I still have more fucked up stories and I bet so do more people on here, maybe we should make a fucked up story discussion on here somewhere) *sighs*

*grabs Hollie And pulls her into the chair and wraps arms around her.*. You didn't scare me! *nibbles neck*

Damn! You girls don't have much luck with your hospitals. In Belgium everything is much better and faster. I've been in and out hospitals alot. Many different kinds of injuries...
At the moment I have a few broken ribs! Don't ask me how I got them...
The longest I ever had to wait was 15 minutes.

Btw Kissing with somebody... doesn't matter whom it is, I always takes two to kiss. If she didn't want to she would have pulled away. She might be young but still she has her own mind. Anyway, you're underaged as well. So is there a problem? I don't realy know. In Belgium the legal system works a bit different then yours I belief.

*purrs* Do you have to pay for your health care in Belgium? Cause if you do I def. couldn't afford to live there, I can't get life insurance and the only health care insurance I have for medication is through sask. health (which once Pat makes to much money will be cut off and they don't cover half my meds) and I have insurance through Pat's work I can't get any insurance through anyone else because I have a condition that happened before I was insured...and to top it off I should be taking meds that are for cancer patients and Pat's insurance won't cover anything that says Cancer on it (in the description for what its used for) and sask health won't cover it because I don't have cancer (yet)

We have to have insurance! And we all have health care.
When you live with your parents and your not working but going to school then you fall under your parents family insurance. The moment that you start working then you get your on insurance. If you are healthy then there is no problem. Your age and health make out the costs. So it's cheaper to get insurance when your 18 then when your 22. But the good thing is that you pay that amout the rest of your life. If something happens to you. And it's something for the rest of your life they pay you out for 6 months and then the doctor gives you a percentage on how much it will bother you in your day to day life. That perccentage is given to healthcare. And they help furter on. The high the percentage the more help you get...

*sighs* she that wouldn't work for me. when I die my husband wants to move far away from my family, but he needs to find a place with a good childrens hospital and a good regular or speical digestive tract place where he can get a good specialist for our son...he needs that so it will make life much easier for both of them, because my son has the gene that I passed on top him thats been passed down on my father's side. So, Pat (my husband) will have to watch our son (Raven) go through what I am going through now, unless they find a cure before he gets as bad as I am...my husband will end up watching us both die. He is watching me suffer now and my body hasn't even mutated the gene further to cancer. The only answer we've gotten in almost three years (it'll be three years this summer) is from a palliative care doctor who said that my body is acting as if I already have cancer but all of my tests are showing up negative. I can't even work let along take care of Raven so he goes to daycare now while Pat is at work...

Damn! Thats bad! You should look into that then. Because if you want good insurance for your son you should have it before the disease is active.
And you have to give a medical history of your family. So that will probebly up the costs for the insurance.

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