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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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lmfao lea u sooo got a rear end fetish u like ass xD LOL u want some of my ass lea hm -shakes booty- XD LOL yay someone went back to topic for like a second lol and look sammie the bottom bitch is back XD

-.- so what if i like a woman's ass? it's different then breasts. *poetic hero/strong stance* the ass, the noble sexy rear end of a woman, is plump and you have a harder time getting to it, it's more changing than the breasts. a woman is morely sitting on her ass than not so it makes it more fun getting her to stand, hehe. to press her to the wall and reach in for it, to fully embrace the woman while feeling the roundness of... *waves self* mind....wondering....to far... horny... room now crystal!

hey!! I was enjoying that!! *tapes Crystal and Lea*

Hey I never said the c-word :-P I said ADORABLE!! and you can't make me take it back Lea.. Bow before your Queen!!

OH LAWDIE. What is up with all of this nastiness?! XDDD

*sniffs the air* I smell fresh cookie!!
are we nasty?
Lea you better eat your cookie and be a good girl -_-0 or Im going to let Crystal really beat you :-P
Its all fun and games, flirting, picking on each other....
mmm...*good really go for some fine dining*

I depends on the moment. Making love, be as long as both women chose. Thus throughout, bottom, top, sideways, 69, etc. I doesn`t really matter, except how your partner feels, what is her wish, what would she like, how has she positioned herself, has she at the moment taken the dom or the sub. Pleasure, pleasing & her satisfaction is what counts.

mmm... Rebekka takes the pleaser role...
mmm... I am a dom. pleaser (though i do like the submissive role on occasion, but Pat rarely takes that role, it always me guiding him, but me making sure he's the one being pleased...
*frowns* I think I keep repeating myself...

its all good..... sometimes it takes a bit of getting used to...
I'm Queen Munchy Munchy :-P
*points to Crystal and Lea* those two are the love birds, their always fighting whose sub or dom, whose top, bottom...ect... and there's Sam, watch out there are also underwear bandits *nods* and if you dont give her your panties, she either violates you or steals your bra....
Lea's new to the sene and shes lots of fun to corrupt....
bw aha hah
*thinks perhaps she should lay down*

*jumps in crystal's arms at the firing of the lazors!* omg! hey take it easy! those things can burn someone's eye out! or worse! like take a tit!
hey no one's corrupting me! i'm already corrupt! i scared my tat artist' and my dad about that... (long story/long joke/ long laugh/than awkwardness)
and yay for more dom's! crystal you might have more competi- never mind! *snuggles into her and giggles*
and hollie we no fight, i is dom. i has a tat!

oh and lea nope sorry not going to take it back hehehe gol

*smacks crystal twice* one! no groppy cause your ass is smexy! and i get to grope yours you no gropes mine! and two! touch the tat during it's healing time and i will teach you what it feels like!
aww no one takes anything they say back poohy!

Lea when do we get to see your tat?
mm...*rubs her forehead* ugh my patch fell of in teh tub and there's no one in this fuckin place to put a new one on...bleh I have to wait till Pat gets home before I can get a new one on...the joys of having no ***killers till 4pm -_- (I have quicks but I'll max out on them -_-)
*pinches Amber's cheeks*
sorry they are so damn pinchable!!

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