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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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ooo me me me xD tie me up and make me scream like a bitch in heat when shes getting gangbang by hot lesbo's LOL XD naw its Leah XD everyone should gangbang her! LOL

and damn Lea i'm up for auction like that XD dont i get a say in who fucks me and touch my ass =P ur boths lea/h's so should it matter? XD
Lea apolgize to Leah nows! she not serious Leah she just playing -huggles Leah-

mmmmmm thinking of it being me oh shit plz iv been really bad girl gol bad bad girl bights lower lip and kneels down.

i was a versyyy in my last relationshipp! she liked me to be a top sometimes which i really liked because she was so masculine1 but in my current relationship im a total bottom =/suuxxxx sometimes but i digg it1 shes good at wat she does so i cant complain lol

I feel like I'm losing my brain's virginity when I read this stuff. o.....o

Why are you guys on like....ALL THE TIME? XD

lmao @ devin sometimes you just need to be able to express yourself without judgment and i know we all have friends who dont get every part of us

*does a happy dance while i think about being gangbanged by a buch of sexy ladies then sits down and curls up and huggles with crystal*

but i LOVE me some ass *pushes lea's foot off and grabs her shirt pulling her down with crystal and i* oh ya? well i wasn't, but i'd love to know what exactly you had in mind

hey well there are a few good things about virgins, 1 they've got all the creativity in the world in there head 2 they're always wanting advice so you can almost train them into doing it perfectly 3they're more in tune with your reaction anyway 4 it's fucking hot as hell to see their reaction to you pleasing them especially when it's all new and 5 you know they're clean!

LMFAO i forgot Leah hasnt been around long LOL -pats Miranda on the head-
i eat virgins for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dersert lol i'm a CHERRY POPPER xD
i'll pop any girls cherry -pops Leah cherry- there ur cherry has been pop was quick and ***less wasnt it but u still feel the tingle dont worry it just the after effect LOL

i am the virgin hunter! god i love virgins

thats right, i'm a virgin, just ask my kid lmao. I've had sex with 4 different wonderful ladies. So not the most but def lost my virginity.

*blinks at the sudden group orgy/huggles/grabs/pokes...ect, so lost* i lost being on top again... *nods to self* yeah got sucked in.... *sighs*
*gets up and brushes self off* there seems to be a lot of people into expressions... omg you guys should was a stage drama of expressionism. you guys would get some fun from that lol....
so your a v card holder but not....? *tilts head to side confused*

man i hate dont being here for a few days im so lost but at least i still have my boxers gol

oh lord lol well lmao as long as she doesnt give them so sammie im good.

ya true but she will have to try harder then ever to get my boxers

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