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but they not boxers now! they are on my head which makes them my new hat *holds onto new hat, than pulls it off and hands 'em back* they wet.... i am curious as to why...

*frowns* man you guys have been busy whilst I've been gone...ugh and I'll be gone for a bit again in two weeks (depending on how I feel after everything) UGH!! I'm not even that medicated and I feel like shit and I can't concentrate &gt_

no i am not a virgin but i don't have a problem with virgins either, they have some good aspects.

lol i can't do boxers idk why i'd rather just go camando lol

I'm sorry hollie i hope you feel better soon!

COMANDO!! I love comando its so freeing and so damn comfortable!!

I don't have anything against virgins, they can be a lot of fun to play with, not that someone whose not a virgin isn't fun to play with, cause they are just as much fun if not more so...

Ha, Leah I'll let you know when I FINALLY feel better, these minor operations aren't really going to make much change to anything, beside the bleeding for 6+ weeks on end than I', lucky if I get 2 weeks off, bleh!!


*hugs hollie* i'll miss you! i'll send you flowers and teddies and cookies! if i get paid... *looks at her wallet, bugs come crawling out* heh...
*hugs onto hollie again* remeber when you wake up to punch the first doc you see to show how well your feeling! d^.^d

i agree hollie. and i'll be looking forward to hearing from you

haha lea omg i'm def going to have to do that to the next doctor i see. right when they say "so how are you today?" XD

i always think of doing that to someone whenever it's plain that i'm hurt but i don't cause i'm to nice... gotta get me a bit more angry than that... *cough, shifty eyes*

oh that was cus ya lets just say iv been locked up in my room hehehehehehe evil smerk

sorry Lea Crystal took them before i could change gol i will get you a new hat one that is not wet gol

mmm...I puked on a nurse once, because she wasn't listening to me when I said I was going to puke so I aimed for her.... I also kicked a doc in the groin...

haha you guys just gave me some much needed smiles the worst i've done with a doctor is picked my kid up and informed her she should be fired for not knowing how to handle children and walked out. she had set him up on the tabel bed thing quite roughly and then walked away and got a damn aditude that i had gotten up to make sure he was ok and wouldn't fall off! people piss me off so much sometimes.

anyway sorry i'm a little emotional and irritable. just in a mood and really missin havin somone special there to cuddle with ya know? idk i'm crazy

LMFAO XD Miranda u crazy LOL if she did that to me i would have been like damn you should have told me u wanted a taste that bad LOL XD lucky for u it was a girl but for me it was a guy and he asked me while pulling my pants down was i a virgin i was like yup what u want to pop my cherry? lmfao he turn red he was cute he was new to the whole thing just got out of school lol

Good one Crystal!! Bweahahaha, I'm trying to figure out how I am going to get through an MRI without being sedated, if I freak out I am going to strangle my GI specialist because I TOLD him I NEED TO BE SEDATED, the last time he did a scope on me he didn't sedate me properly and I fought him the entire time and he was telling me to settle down... I just glared at him, fuckin asshole, he's just in it for the money now, he's been my doc since I was 16 and now I have to get a referal to see him every fucking time I go (which is every 6 months for now)... he''s such a dick!!

Am I frostie? *frowns* awe fuck, Im out of it today, way to depressed and frustrated.... I guess I probably amn Frostie, which is funny because its my cousin/***s nick name (and she has my madenname...hmm though I changed my last name to Frost before Pat did...I so didn't want to be a Harriman nor did I want to keep my last name -Lafortune - so we chose Frost)

my mom is clostraphobic and when she gets her mri's she can't be sedated cause she doesn't like it so when she's in it she plans out what she's going to do for the next few days and just focus' on what she's going to be doing afterwords and she says it doesn't even have to be anything really true or realistic. once she listed off getting ready for a space travel trip. *pats hollie* hope that helps. or you can pretend your ***ed by lesbian pirates from outer space and wendy's doing a scan of you to check your lesbianness! cause the gaydar been having some malfunctions that alice doesn't have the parts for to fix...

i had a woman nurse shower me.... it was kind of awkward tho

*stiffles a tired yawn* Honestly I want them to find something that can be fixed, other wise its a choice between a feeding tub or having my stomach removed...

*laughs darkly and exposes cookie* yes is this good, doc? If you need a closer look I can open my legs a little widder *smiles devishly*

oh fuck... apparently I don't just need my glasses to drive but read &gt_

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