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o.O YaY for a shower with Lea *follows Lea, giggling like a school girl*

*glares at Lea* You are a dirty tricky little girl -_-) *pounces on Lea, grabs the hose and turns it on Lea*

*takes advantage of Lea, till Lea can barely breathe)

blargh mur blergh harg.
*struggles to be free, flailing wildly*

*gives amber milk and cookies* it's approved to have them at least once a day, it's part of a healthy diet

*flials more* crystal save... oh like she would... *sighs and let's the taking advantageness go* enjoy ladies share well tho ok? i'm only so tall...

mmm cookies 8goes wild and noms them fast till nothing left* oh my bad want one? *holds up a half eaten cookie8

you could've joined in *smiles tiredly* you can have my cookie crystal

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