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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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ugh Crystal now you've gone and got the damn song stuck in my head again!! *searches through her music, finds Raven's fav. singer piink and cranks up his fav song fun house, closes her eyes and leans back8 I could go for some domination I am so sick of being the dominant one and having to beg for sex from someone who is afraid of making the *** worse...its my fucking body!! rough sex anyone?

What can i say Arryn she pushes all the right buttons and bust them combos like an Xbox game:
&lt &gt A B XY A A A B B Y X semi cicle ^ A Y BB XY A A A Y &lt AB Y X ^ A Y XY &gtB B YA BY XXXXX hold&lt ABAABBABABA &gtX R trigger + L trgger

yeah man that's a spectacular combo plus finshing sick move (smile)

I don't mind if she got this lock Crystal,she's a dedicated player with the high score to prove it!

Play on Gamers in the Bedroom (smile)

I LIKE THAT ARRYN! Good call chica!

What da hell AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Damn that stings Crystal, ow my booty is red and it smarts too. We both pick on each other regardless its our sick game of tic for tat lol!

-returns fire on Crystal's azz-
"Now how u like dat? Remember to turn the other cheek chica lol"

LMFAO XD wth my booty hurts! lol it is a little sic game for who wants to be on top but u already said ur the bottom bitch XD lmfao so i win! -tackles Sammie, ties her ass up with duck tape, grabs a huge hard ass paddle, smacks on side of her ass really hard- hm ur right i should turn the other cheek -turn sammie around and smacks her ass hard again- lmfao u got served!

oooo lea owns my booty -shakes my booty in front of lea- u want to fuck it hm =P

Summons minions by activating her locator hidden within her tongue ring

Within seconds 7 Bandit Jr's came crashing in and atacked Crystal while she shakes her azz in front of Lea and pinned her to the ground. Jr came and untie me, i rubbed my booty cuz it stings and its so red like it was blushing. Her azz was up and her face was down, and i gave Crystal the paddle of her life like she stole something in Singapore

No matter who starts it in the end i come out on top or did u forget that?! I'm only Mz. Bottom Bitch to Babygirl everyone else gets serve like how u gettin now!

When u serve someone its done chica!

-sits on Crystal's back grab the back of her head and made her lick carpet-
(Not my carpet cuz imma smooth one smile)
Mmmm that taste good don't it lol! I guess Lea is eventually gonna save u, i guess LMFAO!

-spanks her booty like in a Kentucky Derby, Giddy up!-

LOL OMFG FUCK U!!!!! -wiggles lose- u want to freaking play do u u aint make me lick shit! and i dont need Lea to save me -grabs my gun and blastes little bandit jrs- lol fuck u little mother fuckers! if u want to start another war then bring it ChiA i'm gonna tear that ass up and all ur little bandit jrs are dead so are the little Juliet ones so no one to back u up this time after all u did need them to take care of me guess u cant do it ur self XP to much for u to handle

-ties Sammie up to strap on the hanging from the celining- since u want to play so much lets play hang the wanna be Top =P and everytime u guess a letter wrong i'll beat u like u stole something

i myself like the top that way im in control lol. but i'd switch up sometimes and be on bottom, but i still want to be in control. i love looking at the expressions on the girls face. i love to give, i just rarely want to recieve. it makes me wet when i give it to her.

I guess it is better to give than receive Tisha, then again i am a greedy mutha fucker lol!

Give me, Give me, More!

Oh and BTW Crystal I can think of seven letters "F-U-C-K -Y-O-U"
"OH Jrs come and save ur beloved master from this chick who don't know when to give up and fondle her again!"

-enters 20 Bandit Jrs-
"Give us ur panies"

-while still fondling Sammie and playing with her naughty parts- hehehe hmm -looks over at the Bandits jrs and ignores them, then shows up 50 hoodlems that takes all the bandit jrs clothes and ***s them u can hear the bandit jrs saying they are the hoodlems bitches- xD wow i dont think u have anymore jrs =P besides i decide to create my own little ones XD muwhaha now how about it how about u say ur my bitch hmmm "Bandit"

LMAO yeah right u can't make me say that! Quickly snaps thighs over Crystal's head. "Now eat it and like it before i suffocate u"

Venus Fly Trap dat bitch!

Jrs quick playin around snatch all hoodlems in trap begin reversal command.

There are always more Jrs, im like the Matrix baby!

LMFAO XD venus fly trap ? lmfao xD u better let me lose i'll cut ur pussy up! -reveals a little blade hidden in my mouth- get ur ass up

hoodlems go ahead and have ur fun let them "think" they are in charge for awhile i think all the little bottom bitches derseve it XD

Oh Yea of lil skills:
Drops thighs from around face to neck and press pressure point on jawline to open her mouth, knees Crystal in throat to make her spit up the blade which hits the ceiling and cuts straps. Does a scissors grab while coming down knocking Crystal to the ground on her back. Jumps on top of her, yells to babygirl u got this on film?

"Got it"

You can't do shit im too quick and u knw it pupil! Covers Crystal's mouth and ***s her right on the floor in front of her hoodlums who are also subuded by the Jrs.

Don't worry I promise i won't be gentle to ya!
Evil Laughter

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