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hey i wanted that cookie but mirandas cookie will do *winks* back and snugals with lea and miranda ok now were is that cookie *smerks*

whose cookkie do you want Amber? and why the hell is everyone else having all the luck with girls and I dont get anything? *pouts in her corner*

*stands up and walks over to hollie smoothly, leans towards her slightly putting out her hand and smiling* i never said you couldn't join us, *tilts head over to amber and onee-sama*

thats right noone sed you couldnt join us *smerks* stands up and takes both lea and hollies hands and sits down with both of them.

*traces designs along Miranda's sides, nibbles on her neck playfully*

Life sucks, umm...feeling like shit *shrugs* where have you been hiding?

o.0 do you have nice wether there? I do its RAINING again, this is the most Rain saskatchewan has had in 100 yrs
we saw the sun for a day and a half this week and thats it....I dont even know how long its been raining for...last month we had freak blizzards...buh!!

So whats the usual crystal or do i not want to know? oh and btw i'll be teaching my better half Ashley how to ride a horse.that is if things work out between us i've only been with her for 3 months.crazy thing is i haven't got the chance to meet her in person.

Miranda horses are amazing its sad that you've only been on one.i love being able to just saddle up and go for a nice ride its relaxing.also they are great listeners and they don't tell them to anyone.

*grabs a beer sits down and watches the ladies go at it* hi rebecca nice to meet you.

grabs the beer away from leah and sits on her lap facing her now y would you just want to watch....... gol

*sits in the pile of women beat red, just looking around* i started this ^.^

*cough* i haven't ridden in two years but my dad said he'd take me some time since it summer again. i learned how to ride and take care of horses since i was like 5 my dad use to live on a farm too so it's in my *** as much as it is to be in the water hehe.

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