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lol lea lea lea u read into to seriously woman canada sucks because we have to live far away from the people we love dumb nuts LOL canada is like the baby of all countrys so of course people will back up the baby duh

oh lord i hate being gone for to miny days so whats up yall?

*is old* William shitner sucks ass *shakes her head8 he is a horrible actor!! Anyways a days drive isn't that bad...unless you're me...umm....I don't think I'll be around to much for a bit...I ripped my stiches out of my finger accidently and had to get get stronger ones...and tomorrow is a big ass long ass day, maybe wed. I'll come on for abit...depends on how I feel, def. wont be on thursday cause Ill be at RUH all god damn day and the night *frowns* I wish someone coukd come visit me in there I so hate hospitals!!

*coughs* well i.... i...hmmm we're not the baby country, it's the states that is younger actually they were discovered last... and i use discover very losely cause like how can a place be discovered when ppls alrdy live there? doesn't make sense but anywho *coughs* so i mean you Americans are the babies who're whining that we awesome Canadians so far cause you can't get a piece of this *shakes her booty, than smacks hollie's ass* or that... ohhh hollie you got a nice ass...

sorry hollie, i feel like i'm back in the ward when i'm in them so i really try to skip out. plus it kind of far for me, and no offense sask isn't a place for me, way to dry.
and william shatner is a creater of nerds wisdom! i hate star trek but he helped make the foundation that nerds to can stand on, gave them courage to build and be cool to make bullies look stupid and to make a world full of technology! he helped inspire so much in the way the nerd lives, without star trek and william shatner, there would be no star wars, no lord of the rings, no blizzard entertainment *cutchs her chest* omg i don;t wanna think of that! *takes in deep breaths* omg i need my inhaler! *pulls one out from her bra, puts in her mouth, pushes the button and breaths in deeply* whaaaa i'll be going now.... *slowly walks away*

sask dry? we've have hardly any sun in..months so much flippin rain!! dont get me wrong I love the rain, but still I do need to see the sun on occasion!!

yeah and people say global warming isn't real...

I know hun *kisses Miranda's cheek* I'll miss ya!!

good someone needs to do it for me don't forget to keep lea and crystal in line!!

again Miranda ur a cougar chaser which makes u a cougar LOL in my mind anyway LOL no one can keep me in line have u ever try to break a wild horse? lol yeah try it and u wont succed i'm that horse BOOM COUGARS
and ur far from a good girl lea the naughty things u say and scream when ur in pleasure are just mmm

*goes right red, glaring at crystal, than looks at the others* i'm innocent i swear! *falls to knees, hands clasped* oh please don't tie me up and tickle me! don't do such horrors to me! this woman lies, like a cheap french hooker who doesn't know french! i'ma good girl! break her *points to crystal* not meee!

*cheers on onee-sama* omfg yay! get her! beat her! rip her cloths off!
yeah crystal really, she can't be a cougar when she wants to fuck me... pfft
crystal take her cloths off too!

.... well my middle name is michele and half my family calls me that, or variations of like shall and mich and leah-shall and weirdness but i don;t mind.. i like my middle name but ya sorry lea *gives lea a flower and walks away*

as far as horses maybe i've only been around them a few times in my life

and hollie i wish you well

and and and... cugars are the greatest gift ever!

*pouts and leaves the room*

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