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*runs after leah and glomps her* don't leave! i'm sorry! we can has sex! i'll call you.... leah! *nuzzles her neck*
and i agreee cougars are cool. isnt crystal one since i younger than her? or does it have to be a big gap?

*frowns and rubs her forehead* I really dont know, and Im not evern medicated...running out of *** killeers really sucks ass.... *pulls Miranda into her lap* I love your pigtails so damn adorable *gives Miranda a ride around the the room, nearly crashing into people*


Kowai wa &gt_&lt

*Glomps miranda*
Crap I got sucked in... (; ゚Д゚)


Lea chan, Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?

♡(/-_・)/D・・・・・・・・・・・------------------- → ≡( ノ;゚Д゚)ノ ☠

uhhhh... there's two lea/h's the one with the hat and mask is the lea you're refering to, i'm leah. and um english please


No problem. I used "Lea" since she didn't have an H.
I asked her if she understood Japanese

*widens eyes and looks away* ok sorry i feel stupid now :/


No point feeling stupid around me. I'm not judgmental; just mental.


You learn whenever you want, you get better as you go the more you apply it. I am still learning, I only know very little.

damn i need to learn japanese! so i can hit on japanese girls! my ultimate goal! on a side note has anyone notice in porn that japanese women make sex look ***ful for them and anyone notice there new thing licking armpits...really now? LOL gross


They're just awesome people. Half of my friends around Los Angeles are Japanese immigrants and I just moved close to Little Tokyo downtown. So far I haven't seen any of those girls stick eels and squid in every orphus of their body.

extreme/bizarre insertions and fisting are more my thing anyways. :P

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