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*once being in onee-sama's lap has now fallen and sits on the floor looking about for something to play with since being dumped cause onee-sama pulled in hollies lap made her fall out of her onee-sama's lap. she than looks over to remrie and shakes her head* ni i can't read it, but i can speak some bits of it. when i go back to school i'ma be taking a course hehe ^.^ and i love your faces!!!!!!! d^.^d

*blushes a little and looks down and goes to sit on the floor with lea giving her a random sheet of stickers*

Is it just me or do like all lesbians have a thing for asians? I mean they're cute but i just dont see sexy. idk just me.

as far as fisting always fantisized but never tried lol...

well im with you on that leah i dont see it eather and lol the same on fisting gol

lol well Maranda they have an Olivia cruise to japan in a few years. there you go. Asian lesbian heaven lol

and i'm glad to know i'm not alone! and you cant tll me that about fisting amber, i'll fantisize a little too much XD


*Looks at Lei* You said the number 2! &gtw&lt
Ichi, Ni, San, Yon, Go, Roku, Nana, Hatchi, Kyuu, Juu!

As for fisting, it takes practice but it's fun.

As for Asians, I like them because I'm a sucker for femininity, and Japanese especially have very stereotypical feminine facial features. There are all sorts of reasons why I'm drawn to them but no one reason. Simplest way to put it is that some place like Japan feels like "home" when I think about it.

But then I have more identity issues than almost anyone else.

The nicest people I've ever known have all been Japanese immigrants too.

don't get me wrong i love the culture and all,but i just don't physically find them attractive, atleast not as a spouse, They just seem very child like to me when i look at them, idk like i said cute but not sexy.

and i would love to try fisting one day i just have to find someone right to do it with... speaking of which Tawnja, the chick i'm really interested in, was like weirded out when i told her that i wanted to try it and was like mortified. The woman who does anything in bed, and oh i do mean anything, wont do fisting either way! no giving no recieving

and Miranda i'm very sorry *holds out a cupcake with the puppydog face hopng she'll forgive me*

and Remrie did you spell my name wrong cause ispelt Miranda's wrong? or am i having another mental moment? lol :/ but if you were reffering to me when did i say the number 2 and is that likeyour luck number or something? and can you please translate dear?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
if i read the words like that i can pronounce them and say what they are.
one of my friends was learning jap in high school and taught me some bits and pieces, i have a piece of paper with all my friends names on it writen in jap, but can't find it hehe.
and ni also means no in Eyqption *(can't spell!) but it's more pronounces niii than nee.

*looks at her fist, than looks around* i'm worried about you guys sometimes...

yeah jap girls are cute, the way they talk is awesome, that's why i love the jap lango it just sounds cute when aid right, like kouwai. (think i spelt it wrong. cute in jap lol) the word in itself is cute to hear.

*hugs remrie* i'm niiiice!


Oh hehehe sorry Leah. I said "lei" instead of Lea because when I see "Lea" my brain pronounces it as "Lei". Maybe I should call Lea "The Masked Walby"....


Ni in Japanese is pronounced "Knee"
And you mean Kawaii think "Hawaii".

And you are nice. *Huggles*
Wanna move to Los Angeles? I live 2 miles from Little Tokyo.

hey leah if you want we can try it together gol winks at leah gol

hehe i knew how to say them just suck at spelling and writting pronouceastion (can't even spell that word, i'm dislysic....can't even spell that *facepalm*)
and yay huggles!
mmm little tokyo sounds very tempting, but than i think i'd be even futher from crystal than i am now and i don't like that much, and i like my free health care hehe ^.^ so i'll stay put for now. thanks for the offer tho.
hmmm masked walby, i think i like that too. *puts on a cape* I am! The Masked Walby!!!!!!!! *super hero pose and runs around with the cape furling behind her* Beware my awesumness!


I don't like labels for disabilities, I focus on the learning exceptionalities / differences. Putting the focus on our unique traits make our faults irrelevant, simply put if you aren't right handed like everyone else, use your left hand.

I'm special ed, been that all my life and I got a thick IEP report and low test scores to prove it. I struggle a lot with reading anything longer than 3 pages. I can write fine, but spelling is something you learn with time. It took me weeks to learn how to spell "Attitude" let alone how to spell it because of my accent no word check could make any correct suggestions, my accent says "Addatude". I have auto spell check on my browsers so I can check my spelling when I make mistakes and I've made several typing this alone. It wasn't until age 18 that I actually started becoming better.

*shrugs* I don't care about that stuff either. I should actually be on meds, along with some other kinds, but i disprove i rather learn to fix it myself! d^.^d But it makes a good excuse when i'm having a hard day. i have good one's and bad ones, i actually should be wearing my glasses when on here, but i never do.... can't find them hehe... rooms a mess. I really gotta think about what i'm typing before i do, but sadly my brain works to fast for me to catch things, and i even write poems and stories, well use to. that's why i like quick type, like making the words shorter cause than i can go back and fix it all, i use it in notes all the time on my ipod.

*Grabs the lube and Amber's hand pulling her to the nearest room*


*turns her head fallowing Leah and Amber* Uh oh... Someone's making butt secks.

I could debate the eye sight thing personally. I'm 20/30 vision near sighted. As you age your eyes naturally change shape anyways. Which is why it's not recommended for very young people to get laser corrective surgery because their sight will be out of focus again in another 10, 15, or 20 years depending on their age.

I need a pair of glasses, they're cute. I'll probably have to get a pair when I start truck driving anyways. *blows her tranny trucker horn*

*giggles and picks Remrie up carrying her into the room* you can teach us!


EEP!!! O_O
*shouts in her mind "I don't know what to do!!!"*

dude i be lazy today lol and a little piss off since i was in a fight yesterday my freaking side hurts they got a good as punch in but i got a good as punch in their faces BLACK EYE BITCHES lol god i dont like the over dramatic hood rats omfg they annoy me!!! i didnt want to even fight the girl but then she said something about my grandma then bitch it was on like hot cakes on maple syurp LOL anywhooo

i like scan through it i saw something about a mask walby lol and something about moving to japan? AND OMG OLIVA CRUISE I WAS SOO SAVING UP FOR ONE!!! THATS MY LESBO DREAM but i wonder if its like the gay guy cruise sleep with a lot of people LOL not that i whore my self out .&gt becase me a lady


YAY! Saved by Miranda! &gtw&lt

*Looks over at Crystal*
You're prone to getting into fights huh? O.o
*has black belt and 10 years martial art experience*

sorry Remrie :/

hah me too Crystal! and they have plenty of couples and singles things to do! ugh i really want to go on the one around the carribian XD and the prices really aren't as bad as you'd think!

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