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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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LOL naw i'm not prone to getting into fight i hardly fight at all through my whole life i been in a handful of fights i never fight back unless the other side swings first and usually i just move and dodge them man i wan to martial arts! i found a judo dojo around here i'm gonna start!

yeah the cruise prices are reasonable! thats y i love it but those damn pirates LOL idk if i wants to get shot n rob like damn i can do that where i live at LOL

ok well lets see looks at leah and smerks ok here we go bights lower lip *gol*....... and guess what girl i am singal once more.


Hmm? *Stares* Never been on a cruise. Never been on a boat larger than a small fishing boat really I can't fathom a ship that large. @_@

Until recently I've never been higher than the 5th floor of a building. have only been in a airplane twice (it was a round trip)

*pokes Leah* It's okay. ^_^
I tremble when I am extremely shy and nervous and don't know what to do. that doesn't mean I don't like it. Just means I need somebody who is confident with what they're going to do with me and my body.

well we can get to know eachother Remrie, i would never push you to do something you're not ready for *huggles*

awww Amber i'm sorry i know how that is :/ and whats gol mean? *spanks her ass and pulls her into the huggle*

i know you have to be 21 to do it though so i have to wait a few but i'll def be going sometime!!!

*hugs onto crystal and kisses her cheek* hehe my little boxer you. you can handle anything! woot!

oh man cruises are soooo amazing! love them. hehe the showers are very intimate cause the so small.
onee-sama i don't think you'll have to worry about falling, the railings are really high up.

*puts on pirate outfit* ar, i've come for ye booty!


Uh oh.... The Masked Walby is after our lucky charms again. !o!

*blushes* ooh... :/ you should hit me up on facebook sometime... i went to add you but we're already friends or facebook was messing up.. idk maybe i'm just mental but i'd think i'd remember adding somone as beautiful as you XD

*frowns* Holy fuck I am totally lost..... ugh!! I don't even know what you are all talking about, I tried catching up, but I think I am a good 10 pages behind or something.... *picks Lea up and puts her in my lap* I'll take you for a ride hun....

*blinks at hollie* ar i do not want a ride, i want booty! bountiful booty! ar!

lucky charms? nonono i am not short enough to be a leprechaun or even try to be one... plus me Irish *** be very thin

haha i do have wifi and i was referring to Amber but i sent you a friend request at some point too Remrie but anyone can add me if they feel like getting to know me better

*drives around with Miraqnda in her lap, comes up on a giant hill* Lean back hun cause I can go pretty fast down hill!!
*leans back and gives a little push on the wheel* Vroom Vroom!! *takes her hands off the wheels and puts them out like she's and air plane* Whooowhoooo!!

*still thinks Lea is jealous*
*wheels faster*
You know I think I might just go crazy, we can't find anywhere to live, so we might have to either move in with Pat's brother (which wouldn't be too bad, cause they have my precious Blissful Misery -my cat- but they call her Tank now cause she weighs 35 pounds), or the worse part would be moving in with Pat's dad and his gf (which would be really fuckin bad!! though a bit entertaining at the same time, because they are both alcoholics, but they aren't allowd to drink around Raven!!)

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