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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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mm...nothing wrong with biting and nibbling or licking *watches the twins go at it in her head* mm yes...sexual fantacies

*pouts* pretty pretty please...*gives best pouting big brown eye look*

aww Lea why do you have to be so mean?! *cries* Lea is a big meany...*whispers and Cryastal's ear "you can tell me a story I promise I wont tell Lea"*

*stands like a superhero* i am the meany! mwahaha! yeah yeah well all cute girls are truely evil and mean on the inside so get use to it :P
and she wont tell you story's or i wont sing for her anymore, among other things.

Yay for entertainment!! we do need a good story...oh I got one!! not much about sex but about a passion party, so Clifford the asshole ex who brought a chic back to MY house (I was paying for everything even though he was working, which by the way I begged the manager of 7-11 to give him before I really lost it) anyways the chic he brought back into my house he fucked her and I could hear everything on the top florr where my room was...fucked her in my house!! ugh, anyways I went to a girl from highschool passion party and guess who was there?!

Kelliann was (the girl asshole screwed whilst trying to get back together with me) she was the one doing the presentation and all i could think was OMFG I know what you sound like in bed...when she was talking I was picturing her screaming and moaning &gt_

LMFAO XD HOLLIE! BAD GIRL -smacks hollie with a paddle- XD lmfao ur mind went to a dirty place lmfao but minds would have to but my thing usally goes like this "I wonder how they sound in bed" lmfao xD

and fine fine Lea look at u being all pissy and bitchy dont want them to know our little secret hm? =P

*purrs* mind often wonders to dirty places and stays there for long periods of time!!

*sighs* i so totally understand that, it's such a ***.
and dur of course not! geez you don't hear everyone else bragging about their peeps and i ain't bragging about what you like too so we can all shush! i have my rep to keep after all and you'll ruin it and that a no no!

LMFAO what rep u already know as the victim and i'm just showing and telling that ooo u really are even though u try to be on top ur a bottom lol she loves the bottom so much she doesnt want to swtich XD and idc Lea go ahead i tell them myself doesnt matter to me XD -shrugs- no shame in my game =P

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