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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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mmm..I hate it that I am a sleep when you guys are on!! ugh but alas such is life!! *grabs Crystal's hand and pulls her into a sound proof room, locks all the dead bolts* now how about those stories?

what's with this movie crap? i want a STORY!
-slaps remote outta Hollie's hand-

We want a story!

and when did Lea get a rep?
Your performance is ur reputation sooooooooooooo when are u gonna perform?

Hmmm........... Inquiry minds wants to knw!
This requires storytelling, and some popcorn!

my rep is being the good girl and not interfering or being involved in such... um... things like that stuff, sex and what not.
no tape! *wacks t.v with a baseball bat* home run! *runs around in circles cheering*

lol whose cookie do you want Lea?*takes the tape/dvd out and goes over to her corner, put the tape on the big screen, hands out popcorn and cookies with drinks to everyone, sits back down with her heater blanket and presses play, as she cranks the volume* it is like a story only it has pictures and you can see the actions and how things actually went down....*humms a low dark tune and watches the story on the big screen*

*hides her copy away for a later private veiwing* thanks crystal!

*puts a paper bag over her face and goes cookie shopping, gets her name changed, get's plastic surgery down, comes out 5'7", long blonde hair and almost looks like katy perry* my name is janet nice to meet you!

You still the punk azz cuz i look great on those tapes!
Check me out on one of those im giving a wink and a thumbs up!
Man im a sexy bitch!

Shouts out to myself and all the ladies on the tapes!
Oh and Crystal still a punk azz

and thanks for the edible panies Janet i will enjoy!

lmfao how am i a punk ass LOL i know she wouldnt care thats y i did it XD i just wanted to see xD LOL i be honest and she looks like a clown winking and thumbs up pfft u take off the real action punk azz! XD

and who the hell is janet? new girl? lmfao XD
now u look at my vids that some grade A material hell yeah! XD

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