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Top, Bottom or Both - Love and Romance


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WOW @ the posts, and honestly when i find my wife, i want it top, bottom, sideways, diagonal, in circles lemme stop lmao

So im new to this whole website!!

But i am fer sure a bottom bitch! I dont go for the top!! plus my girl likes to dominate! Which i love ruff sexx! Nothing better then my girl grabbing me throwing me to the bed climbs on top of me and wow i got to stop!! iii mamiii!! =)

Stop tryin to look a angel in front of Lola before i give u a spanking!
Lola ur very pretty and Crystal is a punk azz who always gets handle by me cuz i am the mutha f*cking Master and she is the pupil

Crystal how can u disrespect me, ur auntie?
U knw u my niece!
Ungrateful lil punk azz lmao!
You *** the leash bettah be glad Juilet got a hold of it!

Yeah Taylor knws what's up!
-high fives her-
represent for the Mz. Bottom Bitches!

Crystal, since sammies your auntie, um i hope you don't mind me drooling over her every time we visit.
*jumps on sammie* gonna visit auntie sammie for tea and cookies! wieee!

LMFAO xD ur not me freaking auntie woman! ur just a mentor thats all lmao XD damn its always hard to find a girl who can do both its either one or the other its like u got to search for those girls XD LOL

i'm sorry its a big turn off after awhile i mean switch it up i'll get bored honestly that shit gets boring after awhile and the girl has to know what shes doing if shes gonna get on the top or some idea of what she is doing i mean its cute the first time lol

i get bored really easy if something repeats it self over and over omg! i probably go insane thats y i love adventure! love to go out and exprole best be believe when i get me another job i'm traveling lol

*giggles, snuggling crystal, her hands going around to her ass and squeezing it* mm like that? think your going to have to tell me what you want sweets, how else am i suppose to know? *gives her big innocent glare, bats eyelashes*

Lea can have my tea and cookies anytime!
-I got Chamomile and Ginger Snaps lol!-

I think every female is capable of switching roles u jus gotta be "creative" i always say!
Let say i have Babygirl for instant and i wanna take extra care of her and return the favor (wink) she usually doesn't wanna be bottom on the count she doesn't wanna look "weak" but i think it looks sexy when she acts like that!
Sometimes u gotta let them knw that you wanna take care of them too its not always one way cuz it really would drain the "spice" in the bedroom so you gotta take charge and let them knw that if im urs allow me to take care of you! Get aggressive and have fun with it lol!
You lay back and let me return the favor sometimes! You knw gotta remind her why she with you in other words PUT IT ON HER and jus let your inhibtion run wild don't ask jus express urself and satisfy ur need to be in CHARGE!
Keep that thang lock down!
Can't always be the BOSS all the time take a day off and I'll handle things(smile)

-I really think she just hates the fact that i can make them vocals come out of her, why are studs and tomboys like that lol u meet a chic like me and i enjoy the challenge of making that girly side come out lol no worries i won't tell how u sound chica u still can keep ur rep lol!-

I like being Mz.Bottom don't get me wrong but she knws what's up!

Oh god yeah! omg i so agree! when i get crystal on the bottom it's just so hot, the feeling of being in charge for once and hearing her like what i'm doing -to- her is amazing. but it can be hard sometimes, cause it'll feel just so good that i can't stop and i just wanna keep going and going, but i mean... everyone has their limits *cough* some not as much as others *cough*
but yeah so agree

*sits at table enjoying her tea* mm so good


-walks in quietly- hmm, I'm intruding. But that's okay.
Personally, I like being a top, maybe I'm just weird. I'm pretty 'femme' and I like 'butch' girls (shocking, I know) And don't get me wrong, I've had my share of the girly girls but the thought of being a dominant for a somewhat submissive/ yet aggressive and vocal, very -I'll tell you exactly what I want- type 'butch' girl is so hot to me. Call me stereo typical or 'closed mind-ed' lesbian but I've always experienced the dom butch with the sub girl (for the most part) but I have never been more satisfied than when I'm the more 'subtop' or even being dom top. Not to get all too graphic, but using a strap on on a 'stud/butch' and making them squeel (lol) is absolutely fabulous.

Okay, I'm done rambling. I just thought I'd share, maybe you guys will understand, any one I've talk to about it before ended up slightly confused with glazed over eyes or just thought I was odd. But that's okay, a girl's gotta know what they like right?


*smiles and raises her own tea to lauren* right on! whoo! that's hot!
i don't think that's weird at all, it's rather cute and sexy. totally understand. makes total sense. *glances over to crystal a grin on her face and giggles*
tea's good!


sure thing -holds out cup- =]

Yea, most of my ex's are 'too butch' (or so they say) to want to be a bottom! it's aweful.
Nothing a little bit of alcohol and coaxing won't help.

lol u got those dry hard ass ginger snaps lmfao god i hate those! i need an ounce of water after i eat just one lmfao xD
and oh damn Juliet u let out some girly screams lmfao xD
lmfao Lauren ur awesome -high fives lauren in the boobies- xD lmfao making a stud squeel and just get embrassed period is freaking awesome! LOL and u hush lea XD i'm more in the middle when it comes to that camp stuff people call me a stud though =o but omg if i see a bug i'll freak out and get all girly then they call me a soft dom or a femme lmfao its like wtf? do i have to be label ?
lmfao to bad i put a the spanish fly in all ur tea cups MUWHAHAHA now be the horny little kittys u know u are XD panting want it sooo badly u cant help but to touch mmm x3 -licks lea ear- x3

*shudders at the licking* oh yeah you soo don't have a label. i never really believed in being labeled myself, i have my girly points and i have my none girly points, like i like bugs. *holding the spanish fly in hand and petting it* you mean this guy crystal? his name is amus and he likes tea, he was drinking some of mine. tsk tsk, but it ok, he was thirsty.
i scared one of my guy friends, i was showing him around my house than down to my room and i was getting changed and he was like, wow you change your clothes alot, i was like yeah cause i can't find what i wanna wear, he thought that was girly and than when i couldn't pick a purse to bring he laughed and said that was the girlish thing ever from me. i thought i had more girly moments with them before, but i quess it's cause i'm not modest that no one thinks of me in that way. *shrugs* oh, does cute, sexy and adorable count as labels? oh but than i still have more than one... hmmm. oh well no labels for me! *pulls off sticky label stickers* wieee!

lmfao ewww -rolls up newspaper kills spanish fly- eww nast -shudders- ugh damn mothefucking bug god i hate them!!! lol and aww that is soooo girly!! lmfao me what i use to do when i was in high school and still sometimes do my clothes would be all on the floor clean ones dirty ones all my clean clothes would be in the dresser though but then i dont feel like it esp in morning if i didnt already lay out some clothes like last night i just smell to see if its clean or dirty and put it on and go out the door lmfao xD omg i use to do that a lot in high school my guy friends be like wtf? ur a dude thats it ur a dude LOL ever since then i been nothing but a dude lol even when i do have my girly moments and get all doll up =3

*mourns the lose of amus*
why! why did you kill! i was teaching him how to dance! *cry* was going to open up a fly circus! *sniffles*
anyways *dusts self off* labels are lame! i mean i know we all have sides that stick out more than most but i don't believe that's just boom who we are. i like sports, but that doesn't even make me an athlete, i like books, but i'm not a bookworm, i like vid, comp, manga, anime, but that don't make me a nerd (*glares at crystal*) talk to me about science or the inner workings of any of that and i'll be blank... (&gt.&gt not a nerd!) i love dressing up, but i don't like make up much so i'm not girly, *yawns* ok bored now
lalala! let's play a game! truth and dare! who's in?!

*flails* i'm not a nerd! compared to others i am so not a nerd! ok maybe a bit more than average... *looks over to her comics* but still! i don't taste like candy so not a nerd and i'm not some weird candy colour!

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