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Sabotaging love - Love and Romance

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Does anyone ever feel as though they are sabotaging themselves when it comes to relationships?
I meet a modest people, but I always seem to find something wrong with them--possibly because I am just too picky to find someone I am really attracted to physically and mentally. I feel as though, in such a small town and school there aren't really any "options."
I know this sounds vain, but I would like someone's thoughts.

I think that when you meet the right person, you hardly notice any faults she has. You're not being too picky or vain- you just haven't met the girl who sweeps you off your feet. I wouldn't recommend trying to make something work because it's convenient or because you feel like you don't have any other good options.

I know, I won't settle for something convenient. I actually tried giving someone a shot these past few months (not on a more than friends basis, but with the hope of one day moving to a level more than friends), but I realized I wasn't head over heels or anything for her and that I only wanted to be friends. So I told her and it was hard because she looked hurt.

I dunno. Sometime I just get lonely and I wish there were someone there, especially since so many people around me have boyfriends or girlfriends or just people they are intimate and close with.

Thanks for the replies too!

I tend to have the same problems... I have a really hard time finding someone that I am emotionally and physically attracted too. It's a complex lol

Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm lonely a lot too. Hang in there

I had the same problem... but I know that she is out there some where just have to stop being picky. The best thing anyone ever told me was...."Stop looking and you will find".

that is really true Danielle! it always seems once u stop looking it come right at you out of nowhere like a u run into a brick wall LOL i tell a lot of my friends that i never looked for "love" before some how it just comes to me and if i dont like the girl then i wont date her simple as that but god i hate to see the hurt looks on girls faces! 1. it turns me on 2. it makes me sad because the last thing i wanted to do was hurt them

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