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i think i love her - Love and Romance


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theres this chick across the street she told me she loved me and all i said was that i kno and then she said she loved me like a *** she said she wants to b with me and me only but then she keeps goin back to her girlfriend she keeps playin these games but i think im in love with her i need help wat should i do

You will never really know how she feels unless you ask. i would sit down and have a 1 on 1 conversation with her. she may just be playing these games to make you jealous or because she doesn't think that you like her. if she said that she likes you then you are in the safe to tell her that you like her. i would not say that you love her just so that you do not scare her away

It is never good to say love someone tell u really know how u feel/ the other person, You two just need to sit and talk and not play games.

we talk all the time but every time i go to talk to her i say one thing and then she starts in with rosie her gurlfriend but then she says she cant stop thinkin bout me or she tells all her friends about me but she beats around the bush she never wants to talk to me about us or even just about me and what i need to do

Kat, i know exactly how you feel. theres this 1 girl that ive known since high school and i really fell for her and we talk all the time and we've told each other how we feel about each other but everytime i say something she'll say something bout her ex or another girl and it gets me thinking if she really likes me or not cuz im really not up to playing games. but its like i tell a lot of people, "dont be scared cuz the minute you do everything going to feel its crashing down" and honestly my opinion just because this girl is doing the same thing with me, i think she just scared to get into a relationship cuz of feelings in the past she hasnt let go of. just be there for her and show her u really do care but dont give up on her and see where that goes....

you kno wat sara you sound just like me i say that to every one but the sad thing is that its easier said then done but i guess you right it makes since to just be there and sooner or later if its ment to be then she will realize that im right here and always have been. and i hope you and this gurl of urs works at least some day

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