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My girl is the most giving person i know.... she will give u the shirt off of her back if you need it... but when it comes to her family they walk over her... they say the care about her and all this but from what she has told me and from what i see they dont fuck... they care more about her *** that is prego then my gf... i care about her so much... i give her all credit she has been opening up to me so i know what is goin on with her.. but it just piss's me off so bad... her *** makes my gf do everything for her... im sorry but her *** is prego the last time i checked she get off her ass do it her self.. her *** has no idea what is in for... i worked through out my whole pregnancy plus i didnt have anyone wait on me hand and foot... i would love for her *** to walk in my shoes for a day.. go to work then come home take care of three old who wants to play etc.... i told my gf today that when i get down there i will be giving her *** any one else in my path peace of my mind.. at this point i dont give a fuck if they like me or not.. they can kiss my ass... i think its bull shit the they treat my gf... then she treats me like shit cuz she is stressed out and depressed.. i know thats no excuse but it has a big impact on our relationship.. i all i know is i need get up to my gf asap.. im tried of seeing my gf hurt... its all bull shit the way they treat my gf.. this is one thing im not goin to back down on.. im clam now.. but just wait... shit will hit the fan when i get up to my gf.. cuz im not goin to back down.. let them say one bad thing about my gf or do something to her i dont like then i will go off trust and believe i will.. there are two things u dont mess with in this world that is one my son and two my gf...

Aww.. Don't back down.. They need to know how you feel.. Keep your head up Shelly!!

Just a little advice "don't fight fire with fire."
I'm not saying you shouldn't speak your mind, you have all rights.
You should do it in a respectful way, tell them you don't appreciate
the manner they've been treating your girl. But you need to recall,
that she has a voice and she's in full capability of using it herself.
After all, if you do like this girl as much as you portrait, you can have enough common sense
to respect her family. If you plan to have a future with their daughter, it's the least you can do. In my opinion, she should be the one standing up to HER family if she happens to dislike how they're treating her. Nonetheless, best of luck, I hope everything works out girl!

I hope eveything works out, but maybe fighting her family wont work, just treat her well, dont get angry, she'd appreciate it.

Give her ur luv n support n have her back wen she needsu to..don't get into an altercation wit her fam remember no matter how dey treat her she still see dem as family. keep ur head up

i know exactly how yu feel hun. qoinq thru the same thinq with my family. my fiance wanted to say thinqs but i have to stop her because at the end of the day, its my family nd my problem. i speak my mind nd let them know i dont like whats qoinq on. at the end of the day, they can decide to treat me different or iqnore me all the way. but either way, it isnt her place to say anythinq to them. so yu dont need to say anythinq to her family. thats her job. what yu can do is be behind her 100% nd try to make her see what they are doinq to her so she can speak up. but until then, yu have to just sit patiently nd hope she sees the liqht. best of luck to yu!

yea i see where is everyone is coming from... i just need to let out some steam.. thank so much for the kinda words and advice.... im going to stand behind here totally and i will always be there for her... i just need to let out some steam... im going to keep my mouth shut until i get up to my gf.. i know its not my place to say anything.. but im just tried of her family treating her like crap... but she knows how i feel.. all know is that this shit anit going down in my house... i will stick up her if they try to come into my house and treat her that way... thats how is see it..

Fight for what you believed diplomatically and this way, your girl friend is not feel like a sandwich in between her family and you! if you really love her, consider her feelings... the best to do... is get out of town and move somewhere far... peace!

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