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The Asshole or the Sweetheart? - Love and Romance

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I want to know you who prefer to date. Everyone says that they like the Nice girl/guy but they only date the assholes. So really, what do you prefer. I consider myself both so I'm the Nice asshole. haha and I like do date the "girl next door" type. So, ladies really, what do you like?

I much perfer the "girl next door" myself. I've gone down the path of the badass one to many times and well as for the asshole it can be fun for a while, but then it gets to you and you start wondering am I just settleing or what? so most certainly the girl next door

Haha I like....both.....even though I'm the nicer one lol.

yea im usually the nice one which usually gets me taken advantage of

ditto, but ive learned to forgive. My ex and i are now friends

my motto in life that i chose to live by is the serenity prayer. if I can forgive one person that has done me wrong at a time I'll be alright

Yeah. My motto that I live by is Veritas which in latin means Truth

amanda i took latin for oh god i can't even remeber how long so your motto is very honest and heartfelt :-)

and you can always forgive those who have done you wrong, but don't ever forget. the past is what makes you who you are. You however determine how it will affect the rest of your life

im a real bitch, so love dating someone that is an asshoe.
cz they the only one that can handle a bitch like me. they turn me on more than anything. . and most asshoe are like hard to get. so its a real challenge. i always like one of those.

hehe.. and im dating oneee.. so i know!

there is atime for being a bitch and a time for the love to flow, your day has alot to do with it,,I am naturally aggressive and if I have a fucked up day , I will be fucked up..lol if I have a good one I will be ...semi good, but I am never mean just horny as hell!!~~

i date the nerd, geeky , sweet girl next door type but can still get fiesty lol but i guess i am the asshole of the relationship but i'm a nice asshole or like 5% nice idk how u do that LOL and i can totally understand where Viv is coming from to many girls always try to get to me now i know the understand! they like a challenge LOL wow

Well you have to consider the person in your life too ya know..they might like a person that likes the asshole in you...but always assess the situation first and then say,,,Fuck you,, and then..........................................f*** the, the way they are happy with and take care of there needs!!~~

  • 5 weeks later...

i have a good friend who was torn between liking me (the very nice and sweet one) and another girl (total jerk and ass) and she picked her.

XD is a face (eyes closed, smiling)

- Asshole or sweetheart.- hm.. I'd have to say both. Sadly the sweethearts feel used, something has to keep my attention otherwise it'll get boring. Those sweet in my opinion/experience, are mostly introverted and don't do much. The assholes, however, like to have a good time and keep me guessing, though I probably wouldn't want a relationship with them, I don't become bored.

Hopefully there are sweet assholes out there somewhere that aren't afraid to have a good time and actually be there in the morning. ha

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