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An idea on how to make dating easier for gay people... - Looking for LOVE!!!

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They should just give us our own country so that we know that everyone that we hit on is gay.. and we can just import children and gays and the straight people can have the rest of the world lol.

what do u think?


But if they did, where would the challenge be in finding someone to love? We would have too many people to love and we would never be able to choose. If we had our own country, we would lose many supportive people we may have known and where would we be then? We would be too tempted to go out and have sex with a bunch of different people. Yes orgies do sound fun but what about finding that special someone, that person you can tell anything to and they will still love you? We would lose these oppurtunities if this ever occured.

hmmm... well straight people seem to do fine being the majority...


Ha! Tell that to the state of California. Ever since they outlawed gay marriage the economy over there has gotten even worse. All because of the straight people that voted Yes on Prop 8

true, true...... hmmmm well that wouldnt be a problem in rainbow land (yes that is what im calling it XD)


Wow. lol But if the World's economy falls and we are the only country doing well, they'll enter it and kill us all.

I agree with Alexzander (on his first comment).
having our own country would be like a colossal dating site like e-harmony or match.com. it'd take all of the fun and challenges and learning experiences out of trying to find someone to love. life isn't easy.
i once heard 'Nothing worth having in life ever comes easy." and that is something to live by. if u want something bad enough, u can't expect life to hand it to u or expect life to make things easier for u.
and, i hate it, but to quote Madonna (Like a Prayer) "Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone".
i may not like her, but those are beautiful words.

lol now i have that song stuck in my head thanx!

i suppose you are correct... this would be so much easier if i had been born with a GAYDAR!!!!!!!

I hear ya Justin, I like the idea of having our own country as well but for the reason the others pointed out, as well as: the breeders need people like us to teach them tolerance.. and anyway, isnt that what the 'gay districts' in large cities like SF are for? But I know a lot of straight people have trouble finding someone, and they've got it relatively good, being able to assume that everyone else is straight like them... My gaydar is pretty much nonexistent too!!!

WHYYYYYYY!?!?!?! why couldnt i have a gaydar!!?!?!!! it makes me sad. the only way i can tell is if there really flamboyant...whice isnt my type :'( sniff* sniff*

i just realized... we need a group 4 people without gaydars... or ones that malfunction lol.

I wonder if there really is such a thing as 'gaydar' beyond picking up on clues like the way someone talks, dresses, lack of girlfriend etc. and adding them together and coming up with a probability from 0% too 100%...

Makes me wonder how gays even find each other if they like see each others on the street. Would they even know ?

I dont think so, unless as I said there are visible clues, like the 'walk', the style of clothing, etc, but if they're perfectly straight-acting/looking, you just cant tell, which means you have to take chances to find out.. which I'm no good at doing! &^%$

i know, i would get punched in the face by some homophobic douchebag with my luck

I think maybe we 'straight-acting' types should be more willing to adopt something in our style that will reveal who we are to those in the know... might increase our chances. I dont mean going overboard with the silly accent or outrageous behavior or whatever, just something subtle that the average barbarian won't notice. Not sure what that would be, but I understand gays used to do that type of thing in decades past to keep under the radar while still being recognizable to like-minded others.. of course it doesnt help when all the hipster/metrosexuals keep appropriating our style! ..oh well
I guess I mean just don't go too far out of our way to blend in, too afraid to look even a little 'gay', whatever that means to you.

well if we want to revert back to what they did in the holocaust and wear pink triangles lol but everyone knows that...

heyy! we could all wear silver rings on our left pinkies lol

Good idea.. now we just have to spread the word to the right people! and only 'straight-acting' gays, not just anyone! hmmm..
on 2nd thought it seems a bit out of place, you dont think people will jump on that the way they did with the earring in the right ear?? maybe there's no perfect answer.. any code can be broken, but it could work for a while

Good idea.. now we just have to spread the word to the right people! and only 'straight-acting' gays, not just anyone! hmmm..
on 2nd thought it seems a bit out of place, you dont think people will jump on that the way they did with the earring in the right ear?? maybe there's no perfect answer.. any code can be broken, but it could work for a while

and Eric i get ur point about the straight acting gay thing.
that's me. well, it's kind of me. i'm mostly straight acting at work and stuff. but in the right places, or when i don't really care about showing who i am, i become less straight acting and become more open.
it's all security and protecting ur self, not being ashamed of who we are. i admire straight acting gays. i like THEM, not the flamboyant, Adam Lamberts or Perez Hiltons or Guy Branums of the world. i CANNOT stand them.
so, u go straight acting gay guys! u go, go, go! ily

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