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An idea on how to make dating easier for gay people... - Looking for LOVE!!!

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How about both, and rosé too?
PS Justin, where did you get the IPA letters?


umm copy and paste? lol i agree about the wine lol err... not that ive ever drank any because that would be illegal ...haha...haha...ha...


Ben someone needs a hug =]

My dad was more like Tom's parents.. gave me and my bro' the occasional beer since we were around 12, if not earlier! (been a while)


i only drink what tastes good i could care less about getting wasted... infact id rather not, im too much of a control freak...


i'm with Justin on that. i don't plan on gettin wasted when i'm legal to drink.
the idea doesn't appeal to me. i mean who wants to puke their guts out from being drunk? or act stupid and undignified and out of control because they're smashed?
not MY idea of a good time.


Been there done that - It only took me about 3 or 4 times like that to decide the same thing! Hangovers are not fun. My limit is about 3 drinks now.


haha yes i dont believe ive ever been drunk and i really don't care to.


drinking is ok in moderation.... but it HAS to taste good... otherwise its pointless to me


Oh for sure.. and there are some nice tasting alcoholic drinks out there, and getting a little tipsy can be fun, but not to the point of embarrassment or hangover, or drinking/driving, drinking/pregnant, etc.


then were all in agreement...


Standing up, falling down drunk? Boozing it to the point of puking but making an ass out of yourself first? Kids stuff. I used to work in gay clubs, straight clubs etc. Don't matter what sexuality you are, being a dick when your drunk applies to all aspects and ratio's. Male or Female, gay or straight even transgenders. When you mix your booze with ***, making a dink out of yourself is common. It's the impact you make on yourself, friends and those who've met you for the first time. Those who drink to get smashed, polluted, hammered etc., just don't know how to pace themselves. To avoid a hang-over, drink a bottle of water between alcoholic drinks. If you did any chemicals prior, nice job dumb-ass. Mixing and drinking is a one way ticket to dooms ville. Between damaging your liver from drinking, you're weakening your own immune system and frying your brain cells. Mind you, everyone will experiment and obtain valuable information whether to do it again or not. It's your life and you've only got 1. Charish it or Chuck it. Evidently the choice is yours.

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