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how do you find a girl if your not able to go to bars and your still in school - Love and Romance

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well i need a little help guys iam still in high school and iam only 16 so iam not able to go to bars and clubs and stuff like that how do i find a girlfriend if most people in school are scared to come out and cant go to clubs cause iam under-age guys little help please thanks.xx

Yeah, I have that problem too

My school is like predominantly white conservative Dx

I think many lesbians have that issue. I am in pharmacy school at Auburn University. I just moved here about 7 months ago. There are no gay bars so I have no idea how to find girls here. It also doesn't help that I look straight. If you figure out the solution shout it out to me girl.

do you have the gay yellow pages in your area? Have you tried looking into getting a womens travelor book. It tells hot spots to go in every city and restaruants that are gay friendly and so on. You can try amazon.com for this book.

Whoa, that is AWESOME. I did not know any of those existed. XD

you know when I first moved to the va.bch./hampton roads area, I skimmed the telephone book and found a gay hot line.. From there they gave me the names of places to go and churches, and restaurants that were gay friendly. If you contact the Washington Blade ( a gay newspaper in Washington,DC) that could hook you up with some more stuff.Try the gay churches, they help make you feel wonderful in such a time when your world is upside down and youll find loving people to accept you.

Yeah, I have the same problem. It also doesn't help that my grandparents aren't all that supportive of my sexuality, either. But whatever. . .

I've. . . Never heard of the "Gay Yellow Pages" before. :\ And sadly? I wouldn't be able to get my hands on it just yet. No credit card, no job, and therefore no money. So . . . Yeah.

look into your local telephone directory for information services, sometimes the local mental health facility has references to places and sometimes runs groups of ***agers that are trying to figure things out

Where I live we got the gay village, soo many gay peoples are there usually, but I tend not to go, even if it's really close to where I live, because I don't want to head there alone. Otherwise, id just kidnap one of my straight friend to head there, but I would feel a lil bad for him/her. Otherwise, it's near downtown, soo many peoples are there, there a clubs and such. Soo I guess, the best way is to find out about what you can find in your own city. But to have the drive and go there too, im quite shy even if I have the guts to head there. Teri gave a good advice to find out this, didn't know something like that existed too, here in Montreal we got a "Fugues" free magasine to know some places to go out at. But for a ***, it's harder because most of the places are for adults.

Yes Devin...Auburn Alabama. I know I do...but this is how I like to dress and look. Just doesn't help me get approached by lesbians...that's a bummer.

Ihope you find what you are looking for from looking in the phone directory. Try the local mental health facility too. They do offer groups of ***agers trying to find their own way. Get on here and look for the gay yellow pages

Hmmm. . . Just to clarify, "on here" being. . . On this website?

Also, where would the local mental health facility be located in the Phone book? I. . . Don't really know where to look. :x This is probably due to the fact that I don't use them (phone books) that much, if at all, unless told to.

When I was looking in the phone book I looked up gay Hotline when I was in Va. bch. area. Also look for a community based mental health society, maybe under the county name. There is one here where i live that has some kind of group for ***agers
the gay yellow pages are on-line.

you're welcome and let me know how it goes

it's a tough deal no doubt. i'm pretty ballsy about approaching women if i think they're cute. i figure out at that point if there's any vibe there. Even though I'm very girly and don't look gay (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) i get hit on enough. maybe it has something to do with the fact that I live in DC; substantial gay population. i don't frequent gay events or groups. I just don't like to be identified with ANY group. I guess what you might need to do is start dressing like a boy. JK. Seriously, though just put yourself out there. If you see a girl who's attractive strike up a conversation. Worst that can happen is there's no vibe at all. I've found this isn't so bad. Most people tend to be nice.

wow, you are gutsy! i have a hard time figuring out if someone is gay. They say I dont have any gaydar. Well, i wish I had better gaydar so I can find some wonderful women to chat with or whatever is on the plate later.

Well, some girls tend to wear the gay flag colors on theirself, either a bracelet or a dogtag. Ive found it easy to know this way, but many doesn't wear anything to make it think that way. Otherwise, they look more butch, but I would find it harder is she's more femme and girly. Why ? Because im a tomboy and always were, soo I tend not to see and be attracted to a girly women that much. And I can't really find out, is she's to much girly, if she prefer guys or girls. Then, peoples don't think im gay, and it's usually mens who approach me, bleh ! I wish women would insted of them, since I turn them down in a way or another. Either way, we have to be gutsy in some ways, even more when you want a girlfriend by your side.

believe me I know what you mean. I like to be with a woman who is a woman and there is no doubt about it. She is beautiful inside and out no matter what she wears. She just carries herself well. And I ache to know her.

  • 2 weeks later...

I find that hard too, the only girlfriend i ever had at my school turned gay because of me, that may be a compliment to me, hmmm :3

I find that girls in the emo/indie/scene scene tend to be more open to girls.
But if you dont like that, patience.
Find a nice girl, treat her reaaaal good, and she may realize how into you she is.
Sounds like a cliche movie but it happened for me

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