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giving head - Gay Guys! <3


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i like doing it alot but what sux i hate guys that have a small penis i never took it in me and i wanna know what it is like

I love givin Head..I could go all day..A 4-6.5 inch penis is perfect for sucking.You can get the whole thing in yer mouth.I've been able to deep throat bigger but,enjoy suckin smaller.Now when it come's to takin it else-where 6-8 inches can be heavenly if you find the right guy :0) But,you have to find someone that can last more then 30 seconds :0/

Sat., April 9th, 11, 10:45 Hrs.M.D.T.
Hi Group,
I'm a Btm Person. My Preference, I'd Rather Give Head. I've Had Issues with
People being a Btm and at Times Its ***full. By Giving Head I'm at Least Letting a Guy Have Some form of Sexual Pleasure etc. Gets it Beats Not Getting
Anything Really.

i would rather have a guy with a small penis , just love taking the whole thing in my mouth


@ mark it is not funny I will come over and give u what for HEHE LOL My Bad


little stiff hello alot stiff LOl am single have to beat the shit out of myself everyday hehehe

Sat., April 9th, 11, 20:40 Hrs. M.D.T.
Hi All,
Hey Richard, Nothing to B Ashamed About. Relationships or Not, We ALL Do It. Thats What the Self Service Program is All About. Its Just That No One Admits to It Because we All Like to Think - Its Easy to Go Out and "Get Some". Self Service is Better then No Service at All.


amen andrew aman just have to take things into your own hands sometimes LOL


I like a guys disk long and just suck what i can. But in terms of thickness its a big no no. I had a guy whose cock was avg in length but very thick. Me jaws were very soar. I was gagging for awhile. Which is not normal when I suck a normal cock.


well George I don't like a thik cock unless it is in mt ass LOL but never had one that I couldn't suck for real guess just not that many guys with really big dicks


yeah dats true. I wudnt want a thick dick in me ass either.

I honestly don't get why guys like guys with big dicks. It hurts when it goes it. It gets better eventually but it's like after that, you have to keep your hole stretched.


to be honest I like big and average like all of them but just my preferences

Have you guys ever sat back and thought to yerself.. "Why Do I Love Cock".."Why Do I Love To Suck Them" ?? I have..and can't come up with an answer.. Sept..I just DO :0)


dude it is just the way we are wired that si the way I can exsplain it

Men want to breed its what narure intended for all male ***s.However mother nature programed us into thinking about cocks instead of fannys.Straight men think about fanny as much as we think about cock so dont worry.For all our bretheren from the usa a fanny in the uk is our way of saying a ladys front bottom.

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