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jail bait - Love and Romance


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those words i hear a lot....till they see what i can do.
whoever thinks age does matter , well u guys just dont know what your missing. us young lesbos know how to do everything better. more energy, risk it all, love trying new things, and love to learn. i started young so i know what im doing i most deff make up a lot of new stuff for the bedroom. i keep my girls happy and they dont see my age. they see my performence. i enjoy surprising the girls. they dont know whats about to hit them =D

anyone have anything else to add or say? id love to hear stories and stuff you have made up for ur loved one or just for a one nighter.

Wouldn't be my style to make up stuff on my part. Im true to myself and to others.


Well... Despite being a virgin, my life history as quoted by my 51 year old business mentor said I have the live history of a 40 year old. While I haven't been in a relationship since I was 13 (10 years ago), the difference in my personality compared to most other 23 year olds is very obvious.

About 90% of my closest friends are over the age of 35.

About 50% are over the age of 40

My friends include business professionals, investors, entrepreneurs, people with high class jobs, etc... one of the girls I almost did hook up with was about 38 years old, possibly over 40.

Having worked at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills CA for a solid 8 months I've seen and met a lot of gorgeous women, but none of the ones my age were ever appealing because their maturity levels were sub par to put it nicely. Same for most girls my age I see around town here in Los Angeles.

Only recently have I got my life back together after a major event about 3 years ago. and now I have a very practical, very realistic plan to be financially free by age 30, 7 years from now.

So typically whenever I'm looking for a partner, I'm always far more attracted to women much older than me. Ironically recently discovered a 20 year old girl who has done a pretty good job capturing my heart which was a total surprise. O.o


chrystelle....i didnt ask u to make anything up. i was wanting to know ur feelings about underage girls...i mean if ur over the age of 18.....and remie thats interesting lol...playboy mansion???? thats pretty tight. idc about the maturity level very much. the girl just has to be cute. age dont matter to me much inless im looking for sumthing long term. then i go for a older woman cause most are more responsable and more mature......soooo any more points and veiws on this topic?

Well im 22, but I wouldn't be really interested in someone younger unless she's mature. As for older than me, wouldn't really go over a ten years gap. Wouldn't feel right for me since my mom is young xD

Haha, I count as Jailbait until next year (English Lawwise)
As much fun as it is being jailbait you sexy older women are intimidating, I always try harder to please cause I don't wanna be a let down.
Thats why we're fun.


rhea....i always feel like their lil bitch lol
but thats ok cuz i love pleasin a girl.

I haven't said anything in a while so I'd just like to say hi and welcome. Yeah...

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