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I don't what else to do. I am in love with my best friend. I finally got the guts to tell him how I felt and to my surprise, he finally told me he felt the same. Problem is... Im not sure if either of us are ready to move forward. I'm scared of this not working out and I lose him as a friend. Plus he never dated a guy before. I am extremely nervous.


Oh my goodness! I am in the same exact situatuoin except I haven't told him yet. I'm really scared about what he might say if I ask and I think that if he does by some miracle agree to go out with me, we wouldn't know where to start. Okay, well. The cool thing is that he already likes you back so if you ask me the hardest part is over!
I would be pretty happy about that myself. Now moving forward could be weird, but I would start with the basics I guess. He's your best friend so you already know each other so ice breakers aren't necessary. Find out what else you have in common and do things pertaining to both of your interests together. That's what I would do. Hope it works out!

First things first, calm yourself and be positive. :3 I'm very proud that you had the guts to speak your mind and be truthful. That's something very hard to do and your courage was rewarded. It's great that you and your friend have feelings for each other but take things slow especially since he's never dated a guy before. Just because he hasn't though doesn't mean the wont want to 'test the waters'. Having said that, be confident in yourself and trust that if your friend truly wants to work on a relationship that you two will have the strength to help each other through the rough patches and enjoy the ride. I have faith that you two will be alright but if you ever want more advice or need more encouragement you know where to find it.

Very True, it is best to take it slow and easy the first time out. Especially because you two really care about eachother. I wish the both of you all the luck and love in the world!

Hahahahha... Everyone who has ever had feelings for somebody else has had to face this dillema. If you go the love route you may lose your friend, if you don't you will lose out on the most incredible experience.There is no choice but to give it a chance. That's life, and there's no guarantees... grab hold and hang on. Helen Keller once said, "Life is either a grand adventure, or it's nothing."

Thanks Matt, Randy, George, Antonio, and Ben. I guess tonight I will talk to him about it. Wish me the best of luck and I will get back to you guys.

Again thanks

Well. Like I said. I am getting back to you guys. It did not happen. Turns out that he loves me alot, but at the same time he feels like I am more of a close brother that he can be with and hang out instead of date. So you can say we are close friends with benefits.

I don't feel bad. This may be for the better.

Thanks for the advice. Next time I have a problem, I know where to go. ^_^

That's too bad but it seems things were meant to happen this way. At least the friendship stands firmly and perhaps has reached a new level having overcome this minor hurdle together.

Mark, I am so glad that you took the chance to tell someone how you feel. Even better, you find out that he loves you in return. Don't you dare be disappointed that you are not dating. The love between friends is often greater than that between lovers. You should be happy to know that someone loves you for you.

Hey Friends with Benefits is never a bad thing. I think that is the best place to start anyhow. Keeping the love alive and growing with him is the best way for it to turn into something more!

I finally understood what he meant. Today he explained how when I turn 18 we would officially be together. He didn't want to date me because of the age difference and the possibility of either of us getting in trouble with the law. He was trying to protect me. He said that we would always be together just not now. He even planed out our future together lol.

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