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guys - Gay Guys! <3

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yes I agree It's not easy to find the right guy, when you do you will know it, and it rarely happens overnight, he wont be the type who will empty your bank, because he cares about you for who you are, you both have to take time to get to know each other and not just in bed, many have done so and are now very happy.

I'm always getting messages from young guys saying they love me, want to live with me, will do anything for me, when they know nothing about me,
anyone with life's experience will know it only means one of these things,
I'm broke, can you be my sugar daddy, I live in a hell hole please rescue me, I need someone I can step on to get where I'm going, I only wanted a visa, you will never find love with any of these people,
how they think they can win you over, by looking your profile and saying I love you in there first message, they must be desperate,

the good guys are often afraid to give out there feelings, being afraid of rejection, you need some times do the asking, to let them know you are an honest guy, by asking the right questions and reading between the lines you can spot the ones that are dishonest, liars catch them selves out so you have to talk a lot to fine the right guy on line - hope this has been of help

First, gay dudes need to learn that there's a difference between what's in your heart and what's between your legs when it comes to relationships. Second, the only way you get suckered and drained is if *you* are dumb enough to allow it. You are in control of your own life and nobody else's. You don't have the right to tell another how to behave other than simply saying that you find that type of negative behavior offensive and don't know if you can continue on if it persists. Let them make their own choices.

Next, and orgasm is an orgasm.. cock sucking or ass fucking doesn't pay the bills, or plan the future so all this bullshit about "cheating" is moot. But if that fucker really loves you, then he will make sure you know about it and vice versa. However if he's looking for a free ride then you need to show him the door and tell him "Thanks for the memories" short and sweet... when it comes to loosing thousands, you need to learn how to cover your own ass... You wouldn't give your paycheck to a nearby coworkers next to you without some kind of written contract that it will eventually be given back in the future. So why do it with a lover? Hello? who's really the stupid one here? Huh?

Those who get burnt when it comes to monetary related stuff usually have their own self to blame.. Those who get burnt by liars and scammers because they didn't know any better are usually the innocents here and learn the hard way. Rather than pass judgement on others, the key here is to love yourself but not in a selfish way, then remind yourself that society can be just as cruel as it can be exciting and not act like you distrust everyone and everything but move in such a way that if something goes wrong, you're two steps ahead and there's nothing the outside ***s can do to strip you from your own happiness or success.

My man and I have been together for 15 years this coming December... and he has he freedoms to screw around with the occasional chicken, and I have the freedom to mess with a butch down to earth dude etc... But there's only one man in my heart.. and the same goes for his feelings towards me also. You don't hunt for LTR nor do you put that label on the first one who offers you that fabulous orgasm.. That's foolish and will only end in disaster...

If he comes down with cancer will you be there till the end?
If he looses his job will you continue to feed and nurture him or throw him out?
If he wrecks the car do you focus on alternatives or bitch about it?
If he buys you candy and gifts do you behave matter of fact even though he had to bust his butt to save and buy them?

Are you REALLY lover material? or just looking for a quick fuck and a roomate?

IT'S A TWO-WAY STREET !!!! I don't believe this "wounded puppy" bullshit for a second so save your "cheatin' heart" stories for Hollywood...

Hahahaha rick you made me laugh you have never been in love mate so fuck off

Well, One thing!!! I would never ever have an open relationship. For that I just stay alone and fuck around all I want. For me a relationship means commitment and be there one for each other, and love each other. I still don't the love between 2 people in an open relationship. Everybody have the own taste so I don't judge but, is the same like a Hetero marriage where the man can screw other women and the women can screw other guys, SICK!!!

I don't understand open relationships, they confuse me. If you're in a relationship, why would you want to go screw around with other guys or women when you already have someone? The kind of relationship that I want to have is a monogamous one. If they want to bring a third person for THAT, well I won't be THAT happy about it but if it will make him happy, just to try something out.

Yes i tried it and it ended up damaging the relationship after a few years.Got traded in for a younger model who ended up robbing him anyway.I often get bullshit messages through here you can spot them a mile off.I would like to think if i met somone like that in person i would be able to spot it too.I have no interest in money and do feel sorry for people in poor countrys living in hell.That is why i try to give a % to charity my feeling however are not for sale.

I have to disagree...My lover and I have had a great open relationship for 23 yrs now..Maybe we are the ones who understand that in a relationship you have to bend allittle to stay in love and have a good one..That also goes for who's cooking or going to a place that your lover likes more then you because he will do the same for you..

I won't criticize those that do open relationships, but I still get confused. I mean, do you two love each other? And if you do, why are you doing "things" with other people? Just puzzling. :-/

Yes we love each other and have for 23yrs now..The only way I can explain it is that its fun to have open relationship and like many things in life and in a relationship you have to give allittle bit and you do it to please and maybe even spice up the love life...Thats why its call relationship and love..

Like many of the people who have been together will tell you loving and doing things for your better half is what a relationship is all about..I believe the female and str8 people you ask would say about the same thing...Hope this helps...Anything else I can do to help just ask...

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