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Why do bottom guys seem to attract other bottom guys, when what there looking for is a top,

I got friendly with a guy and would have liked a relationship with him he looked so nice, and we seemed to be on the same wavelength, only to find out he was not just a bottom guy, but wants to cross dress as well

It's just seems to happen, don't get me wrong I have some great friends that are bottom guy's, and we can always find something of interest to talk about, but it just happens every time I meet someone like when in a pub, I get talking to a guy we get on really well and when it comes to that time you want the relationship to go further it's - oh I thought you would be a top, it's no I'm a bottom and you find there not even versatile

Hmmm. I prefer bottom or versatile guys. Once in awhile I like to get poked!

although I pefer to be bottom, I could be happy with a versatile guy


Hehe cant say I've had that problem. Pretty much all the guys that I've met have been tops, which tbh has been great for me xD

Lucky bitches! XD I'm a vers, prefer bottom, but my boyfriend is a bottom sooo I'm SOL there!

Yes this kinda disappointed me (=
I want a top guy but I always attracted some bottom or bottom vers guys. Sorry I'm not interested on bottom guys


yes Vlad and Marcus I am versiatile also and yes it is hot to flip flop fuck more fun

I am top... mmm by the way hahaha, but I dunno I need to explore both sides!

Whatever is best between you and your partner. I'm btm, but there is more to being a good btm than just lying there while your mate hammers your ass. What a lot of tops don't seem to get is that there's an emotional element to being btm; I like the top guy to take the lead and dominate and somehow positions like legs on partners shoulders are most satisfying for me because I feel I'm 'giving' myself to the top guy.

Nice Martin, we seem to think alike in that. I'm bottom too and love being dominated and see the satisfaction on my partner's face as he does me. But I have at times been a top just to keep things interesting.


Oscar u should try if u feel like it it is awsome feeling being fucked

you guys some it up, we are more sensitive than the average top, and like that little bit of domination a top guy can bring, I also agree with see the satisfaction on my partner's face as he fucks me, the line, positions legs on partners shoulders is most satisfying for me because I feel I'm 'giving' myself to the top guy. hit's it right on, but I cum back to it's not much fun when the guy you want is the same as you with no compromise, and for some reason I seem to find them, is it in the body language, do I not act fem enough although I feel fem maybe I don't look it, can any one say if there are more bottom guys than top's

Was reading and wondering, wont getting a double ended dildo suffice? hehehe

I just need to find the right one, and let me tell you all it is so fucking hard!!!!
I am giving up hahahaha!

aaww never give up might be right next door giggle

I can certainly sympathize with you. I'm a total bottom. I've tried to be vers a few times but it's just not me. Other bottoms make great friends and some times the play is fun for a change. It's just not the same though.


Oscar u want to do what a double ended dildo what fun they r LOL

hahahaha mmm what needs to come first the dildo or a boy, I prefer a boy! @Satrer is really hard I cant fine it I just knocked all my next doors guys! (Y.Y)

was trying to lighten the thoughts hope made smile at least

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