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Heart Broken - Love and Romance

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Hey i have been in a relationship with the girl i loved for 1 year and 3 months and things were going good for us. I was in the process of moving in with her and her family. I may only be 16 but I knew i wanted to be with her and our families knew that we were in love and let us move in together. But summer came up and I went to visit my *** in South Carolina because she was pregnant and due anyday. My girlfriend told me she didnt want me to leave because she was scared I would move on or cheat on her. (She has been hurt so many times in the past with her exs that she is always worried about me hurting her). But I told her I would never do anything to lose her. And i went to South Carolina. Well 3 days being there she broke up with me. And a day after that she told me she was going back out with her ex boyfriend. I dont even know what to do now. She was my life and I would give anything for her. I spent everyday with her. And she has been there for me through everything. My life was all about her and basketball. And this summer i lost both of them. (I had to get shoulder surgery so I cant play basketball for awhile). I really just wanna move on and start meeting other people. I just dont know how. Everything reminds me of her. Help me please.

Im sorry for what happen to u and i really think that what happen to you is just some thing thats happens to all the good people out there and you know what... I do hope you find some body that will be ther waiting for you when you leave out the door and in time you will..... even though she meant the world to you .......you have to think of how much you meant to her....?... and that will help you move on faster but with a sittuation like that i hope when she feels she needs you back i hope you dont take her back in to your arms not to say anything bad about the person you love but i think if she do come running back to you she is just looking for a good lick and thats not fair to you its not cool to keep letting someone hurt your heart like that but some people do take the ones they love back but if you do what will happen ....you would be walking on eggs shells through the relationship just so she wont leave you again but i wish you luck and i hope you find the one who is meant for your heart and soul she's out there some where u just have to drive into a couple of walls to get there but you'll get her .......good luck....

Thank you. Im still in South Carolina and when i get back I need to move all my things out of her place back to mine and I think thats gonna be the hardest part for me. Thank you for the advice though. And i completely understand the whole walking on eggshells thing

your welcome ......I know that part with you getting you things will be a hard thing to do ....just hold yourself together and have a good state of mind and your get through it just fine


I thk ur still young & u'll meet many other women & will luv many along the way as well but 2 find that 1 true love will take a lot of bumps along that road, enjoy ur young age allow urself 2 meet other women, don't let this 1 disappointment take the best of u, cuz if she cud'nt apreciate the love u was offering her the she didn't deserve it, & there'll b someone else that will, cuz she cudn't have luv u that much if the minute u leave she back with the x, someone that truely luvs another will wait 4 u evn if it take yrs, that's what u call true luv when ur there & when ur not & their stuill standing by ur side no matter how far u r.

Thank you Eve. I guess I never really looked at it as she didnt love me that much if she left me so fast. I appreciate the advice. And I kinda see it at a different view now.

lindsey olsen: i just wanna let you know that i know how your feeling. i'm still madly in love with my x and its been about 3 months. i think about her all the time, when i hear our songs or watch certain movies. i could be doing anything and she comes to mind. you just have to get passed it and try to forget her. I understand that its harder then it sounds, cause i'm still working on it til this day. my x and i almost made a year on and off. i was to the point that i'd jump infront of anything that was gonna hurt her. I was told i couldnt see her after the first time she hurt me, and i was dumb enough to walk or take a bus to get to her. then she hurt me again and i realized that it wasnt worth it. thats when i decided to just forget her. i had put a ring on her finger and i was waiting til i could save money to move into a place with her and make her my wife. so just do as we all said and move on. keep yourself occupied and you wont think about her every second of the day.

im sorry about you and your x. But thank you

  • 4 weeks later...

lindsey you are truly a good person and your ex wasn't good enough for you you will find someone that is take care and good luck we care

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