
Transgender (55) Single

Kinky Crossdressing Sissybitch Sexslave is in need

I want so bad to belong to a an actual Dominant ALPHA MALE THAT WILL TAKE ME INTO HIS HOME AND ONCE INSIDE AND SECURED BEHIND LOCKED DOORS AND WINDOWS THE KID GLOVES COME OFF AND HE BECOMES A VERY STERN AGGRESSIVE MAN PICKS ME UP LIKE NOTHING TOSSED ME ON TO BED AND ORDERS ME TO STRIP AND GIVE HIM MY CLOTHES .WHICH I DO ONCE IM NAKED MY CLOTHES ARE STUUFED IN A GARBAGE BAG HE LEAVES TO DISPOSE OF THEM.WHEN HE RETURNS HE tosses me a towel tells me to go bathe get cleaned shave and everything and I do when i step out if the shower back into the bedroom there's some clothing wigs etc on the bed with a note that says this is for you get yourself all sexy for me I'll be out by the pool comefind me when your done.

Kinky Crossdressing Sissybitch Sexslave is in need

Love & Relationships29 to 76 years ● 65km around USA, Omaha