Transgender (55) Single
I want so bad to belong to a an actual Dominant ALPHA MALE THAT WILL TAKE ME INTO HIS HOME AND ONCE INSIDE AND SECURED BEHIND LOCKED DOORS AND WINDOWS THE KID GLOVES COME OFF AND HE BECOMES A VERY STERN AGGRESSIVE MAN PICKS ME UP LIKE NOTHING TOSSED ME ON TO BED AND ORDERS ME TO STRIP AND GIVE HIM MY CLOTHES .WHICH I DO ONCE IM NAKED MY CLOTHES ARE STUUFED IN A GARBAGE BAG HE LEAVES TO DISPOSE OF THEM.WHEN HE RETURNS HE tosses me a towel tells me to go bathe get cleaned shave and everything and I do when i step out if the shower back into the bedroom there's some clothing wigs etc on the bed with a note that says this is for you get yourself all sexy for me I'll be out by the pool comefind me when your done.