
Male (57) Single

I dress up, you fetch me, tell me all your dreams

I get myself put together in the cutest way, you fetch me, or I meet you and hop in. We go wherever you want, or additionally, I can learn in advance to wear what you want. We may go to eat dinner, or if you'd like to see a show or a movie, it'll be that then, it might be we just tour around with no definite aim, and improvise. A bluff above the ocean beauty, and tell dirty stories, or I simply listen, if you'd like, and I get to hear all of your dreams in detail. I just enjoyed being with you so much that I can commit to anything you need done that evening, whatever you need to have done or discussed, it happens.

I dress up, you fetch me, tell me all your dreams

Sex & Hookups18 to 85 years ● 5km around USA, Kitsap