
Let's get wet!

Watersports: A different type of shower

Waterports is yet another of those wonderful words that frequently means different things to straight and gay people. No, we’re not talking about a spot of surfing or paddleboarding here. Gay Watersports will leave you significantly warmer. Or relaxed. Or indeed degraded - in the most delightful way. It’s all about the act of urinating on another guy from the height of your choice. Rumours abound that Donald Trump has a penchant for it. But don’t let that put you off. The infamous Golden Shower can be one of the most powerful ways of forging intimacy.

 How safe are Watersports?

 What is ‘disgusting’ or ‘perverted’ to some is nirvana to others. And watersports remains one of the most misunderstood and judged of kinks. As such, it’s rife with misconceptions. Top of this list is that piss play is unsafe. Yes, urine can spread disease. But so can any bodily fluid. Urine isn’t sterile. As such, it’s best to know the health status of the guy you’re playing with. However, the hard and fast rule is to always ensure that urine doesn’t come into contact with open wounds.

I'm new to Watersports. How should I prepare for them?

Firstly, if you’re the guy doing the pissing then ensure you’re properly hydrated. Plenty of water. Secondly, choose the right place as you prepare to drink from the old man tap. It’s important that both partners feel relaxed. You may choose to start with foreplay or some horny chat before moving to the main event. You want to be turned on. But not for the hose to be rock hard. That makes draining the dragon tricky. To say the least. Thirdly, opt for a bathtub or washroom room of some kind. A place where there’s water. And that can be easily cleaned. Never the bed. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but mattresses aren’t cheap. Beginners can indulge at home. But there are hundreds of gay clubs with watersports nights if you fancy a thorough drenching.

What's the best way to get or receive a golden shower?

Consent is everything. You should have a full and frank discussion with your partner. Including a chat about your health. Additionally, you should decide where you want that warm, golden stream directed. Is the face off-limits? Are you happy swallowing your other half’s nectar? And that brings us to the matter of taste. And the importance of drinking plenty of water. The more dehydrated you are the more bitter or stronger the taste. Seeking a torrent of Golden Boys? Find them and a plethora of other kinksters on Gays.com.

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  • Meet for piss

    Love drinking piss ...
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  • Bukkake /piss slave available

    Love sucking cock drinking piss I’m in Indiana trxt me 773/306/8466 ...
  • Drinking piss

    love drinking own piss getting pissed on ...
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  • Other terms for Watersports

    Keywords: Piss, Piss Play

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