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Willkommen in der Edging Gruppe NRW.
Hier dreht sich alles rund um das Thema Edging & Cumcontrol.

Viel Spaß

icon-wio Burkhard71 created an entry in Edging / Cumcontrol NRW
  • 13.04.2024 21:35:40
  • Erotic
Ich würde gerne Cum-Control selber erleben. Wie ist da eure Erfahrung?

Similar preferences as Edging / Cumcontrol NRW

Tattoos have always been used to make a statement. In the past, they’ve been associated with a wide variety of different sub-cultures. They can denote belonging, whether that be to a class or a gang. Inscribe your own secret language and desires on to your skin and create your own work of art. Tribal tattoos are now particularly popular with gay men, and some are more inventive than others. Be as exotic or as prosaic as you like. Be mysterious with an ancient language daubed on your torso, or utterly blatant with the word ‘Sex’ emblazoned at the top of your arse.
Role play is all about spicing up your sex life, giving you the opportunity to inhabit different characters in a vast array or situations. It’s all about the psycho dynamic between two people, and is usually about playing with ideas of power and submission and dominance. Become a willing plumber popping by to fix your partner’s boiler or – so many gay men’s fantasy – the coach and the willing, flexible student. Your costumes can be as simple or extravagant as you like, and it’s up to you how heavy the scene becomes, and plenty of inspiration can be found in BDSM if that’s your thing.

Discussions and topics about Edging / Cumcontrol NRW

  • Bondage and Edging

    Love to talk to people who love it and can take orders and commands ...