Bo tant pel medi ambient com per a socialitzar 😉 Cerques a algú que et porti al treball o que et porti en viatges de llarga distància? Aquest és el teu lloc! 🚗
    Bueno para el medioambiente y para socializar 😉 ¿Buscas a alguien que te lleve al trabajo o que te lleve en viajes de larga distancia? ¡Este es tu sitio! 🚗
    Ya sea para visitar Colónia o para tomarse unas vacaciones en la playa de Barcelona, este es el grupo donde compartir consejos para viajes LGTBIQ+. Comparte tus experiencias y llévate recomendaciones de otras personas queer ✈️🏞 Así que, ¿cuál es tu próximo viaje?
    Wir wollen ein Tag am Wochenende einen Ausflug mit den Fahrrad fahren. Mitfahren dürfen alle mit 18 Jahren alt. Wohin fahren, bekommen Sie von mir eine Liste. Wir fahren eine Strecke von 20 bis 30 km.
    Stand up for your rights and focus on the issues that matter to you ✊🏳️‍🌈 This is about LGBTIQ rights and queer politics.
    Olé, Olé, Olé ⚽️ Support your team and tell us about your favorite club!

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Where have all the tops gone? Goes the cry of many a gay man. And he has a point. A quick look at Hookup apps suggests that the Gay Top is a species in peril. The active partner in anal acrobatics remains the most sought-after of creatures. And a good Gay Top can be tough to find. We’re talking the kind of Gay Top who gives you the most rigorous seeing to in memory. The rigorous fuck machine who will have you squealing with desire. And quivering with aftershocks of pleasure. Here’s our essential guide to the Gay Top for every discerning Backdoor Deidre.
Long gone are the days when you had to visit your local porn store for a VHS tape concealed in a discreet brown paper bag. There’s endless LGBT porn of every conceivable variety available on the internet now. And then, of course, thanks to Smartphones everyone is a potential porn director. But before you channel your inner Chi Chi La Rue, make sure you’ve got permission to record your partner - and when you break up try and resist broadcasting the footage of your sessions on YouPorn: there are laws against that type of revenge, as tempting as it may be.