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    Egal ob ein Städtetrip nach Köln oder ein Strandurlaub in Barcelona, das ist die Gruppe für schwule Reisetipps! Teile deine Erfahrungen und hol dir...
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    Die Gruppe für reifere Gays 🧔🏽‍♂️ und Twinks, die einen Daddy suchen 💕
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  • Live treffen in Berlin und...

    ihr seid aus Berlin und Brandenburg und sucht live treffen?Dann seit ihr hier richtig! -Sex-Treffen Freunde kennen lernen Unternehmungen ...
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icon-wio RomeoRichards created an entry in Queer Sports
Einer meiner lieblings Gruppen. Das ist mein Sport.
icon-wio gayscom created an entry in Queer Sports
Yeah I love Football and honestly there are way too many queers who hate it just cause there are idiots in the industry who are against LGBTQ rights (i agree, fu*k them, but let me love my footy ok)
Like sweet500, RomeoRichards

Similar preferences as Queer Sports

Too often we use our hands unthinkingly during sex. Or worse yet, we don’t use them at all. Cast your mind back to your teenage years and those first fumblings. All that youthful discovery. But over the years, many of us have forgotten what we can do with our hands. Time to remedy that.
A guy's height is often one of the first things that we notice. And his tantalising torso is of course underpinned by legs. Many of us have height preferences when seeking a magnificent mate. But for some, legs take on a far greater meaning. Crurophilia or a Legs Fetish is the sexual attraction to legs. And it offers endless erotic possibilities.