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Hier geht es um reale treffen zu verabreden zwischen Black und White Mens in Thüringen

icon-wio Maiki created an entry in Black & White Thüringen
Hallo bin Der Maik und für alles offen
icon-wio bi_thuer created an entry in Black & White Thüringen
ich suche auch mal einen black mann. er muss ja keinen elefantenrüssel haben...

Similar preferences as Black & White Thüringen

Beaches mean holidays, and holiday mean no work and plenty of time for…well, sex. There’s something about those waves crashing against the open horizon that just puts you in the mood for passion. You’ll find gay beaches in the major resort areas in Europe and also the US – and, of course, the nude sections of your regular beaches attract plenty of LGBT people. Just don’t be tempted to get your rocks off in the family areas with grandma watching as she dishes out the cucumber sandwiches.
Rare is the man who doesn’t relish charming his cobra. How better to explore your body? Gone are the days when the church claimed a quick cuff of the carrot made one blind. Today, medical studies show that regular masturbation can help ward off prostate cancer. So reach for those tissues and get stroking tout de suite.

Discussions and topics about Black & White Thüringen

  • Straight white male first time ever and only 4 a big black cock please I want your big black cock in my mouth and especially fucking my fucking my little white ass please someone turn me into a sissy ...
    • 2 replies
  • c a ll me or t--e-x me.. I'm 6'1, very slender no manly muscles..cut. I need your hands if you own a car or van or truck. I live in valley area, unattached. Ronny; six six one, seven t ...
    • 1 reply
  • Black fantasy

    Always had a fantasy of trying a black man while pnp sounds fun. I'm straight but but curious ...
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