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🍆🍑 Hier geht es um Hintern und SchwĂ€nze. Zeig doch mal deinen 😋

icon-wio Beckas created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 04.03.2025 21:21:49
  • ● Erotic
Heute habe ich mir Pornofilme angeschaut und nackt masturbiert.“

Meine Schwester betritt mein Zimmer und sah michđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

Sie sah, wie ich meinen Penis hielt😅
icon-wio öftersmal created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 04.03.2025 4:42:33
  • ● Erotic
icon-wio devoteSchwuchtel created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 02.03.2025 16:52:23
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icon-wio Vogelfrei created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 02.03.2025 12:49:12
  • ● Erotic
Like spocki, dantau, PeterbÀr
icon-wio zippy800 created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 02.03.2025 12:09:57
  • ● Erotic
  • +2
icon-wio BERNIE created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 26.02.2025 7:28:32
  • ● Erotic
Jemand hier, der ihn wach kĂŒsst?
Like Emyl, Silvio37, chevy1434 and 6 more

icon-wio BERNIE created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 24.02.2025 7:56:17
  • ● Erotic
Wer möchte mal kosten?
Like Silvio37, chevy1434, dantau and 4 more

icon-wio bi_sex_Waiblingen created an entry in Dicks & Buns
  • 21.02.2025 12:43:27
  • ● Erotic

Similar preferences as Dicks & Buns

Dicks, Wangers, Schlongs, One-eyed-monsters, there are endless names for it, but it’s the love of it – using it, or being used by it – that all gay men have in common. The penis is absolutely everywhere: dildos used by lesbians and trans people are even shaped like them. Are all gay men obsessed with the size of it? The bigger the better? There are, of course, some gay men who (believe it or not) love small ones, but generally speaking, to own up to having a chipolata between your legs is akin to having leprosy for a gay man.
“Bend over and show us your Booty!” Whatever the size and shape of your arse, you’ll find someone who loves it. This is perhaps most important to gay and bi men, who can often be divided into two camps: the cock lovers and the arse worshippers – i.e. the tops and the bottoms. The hallowed Bubble Butt is, of course, considered one of the wonders of the gay male world. But Butts can be just as important for lesbians and trans people, depending on whether you’re into a bit of backstreet parking.
Check out any of the gay magazines and you’ll see the six pack’s sacred place in gay male culture: it’s the holy grail, the ultimate prize. Some men will do anything to obtain one, and those who can’t be arsed to put in the work will dream of snaring a partner with those immaculate abs. Yet for others – Bears for example – the idea of the six pack is foul. They want mounds of succulent flesh to cling on to. Lesbians – perhaps in rebellion against the body fascism that stifles women – are less obsessed with it all. Sometimes you can’t help but think they’ve got the right idea!

Discussions and topics about Dicks & Buns

  • Tiny Micro Dicks!

    Some cocks are super big, some just, medium, short. Then there are tiny micro cocks! Like a tiny micro penis that hides in a foreskin turtle helmet head. They are so cute! Is there already a room for ...
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  • Slut for dicks all day long

    Love offering myself as a fuckslut and urinal, and love black, muslim, and young macho dick especially! i love the feeling when a big group of men breeds my hole one after another, my ass exists to pl ...
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  • Can any guys 2 or more with big dicks fuck me please even though I am a girl please ...
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