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Für Alle, die Dessous, Nylons und gerne Ihre feminine Seite ausleben möchten.

icon-wio tvclaudya created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
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icon-wio Nacktsein-1204 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
icon-wio Nacktsein-1204 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
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sex-desidu machst mich scharf.... hi..hi...
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icon-wio Ilovehotdads created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Nacktsein-1204Traumhafte Figur und ein geniales Outfit
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icon-wio Nacktsein-1204 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
icon-wio Nacktsein-1204 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
icon-wio Bixlboy69 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
icon-wio LucyKim created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Like Klaus12, Anja-S, Ratz and 1 more…
icon-wio DwtSandy created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Guten Abend,
Like Klaus12, sex-desi, Anja-S and 3 more…
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sex-desidir auch einen heissssen abend noch...
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icon-wio Steffi-1 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Ich glaube hier bin ich richtig! Ich liebe meine sehr feminine Seite, und ziehe auch nur noch Frauensachen an!
  • +3
Like Anja-S, Ratz
icon-wio Giovanni-8611 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Ich liebe frauenunterwäsche zu tragen
  • +4
Like Klaus12, Ratz, Anja-S
icon-wio Andrea59609 created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
Ich wünsche allen einen tollen Start in das Wochenende und hoffe ihr konntet heute alle das Traumwetter genießen
  • +3
Like Klaus12, saarland10 and 1 more…
sex-desidu geiles luderchen hast doch sicher auch genossen... lieb-grins----
+3 replies
icon-wio Chrissi_Schlampe created an entry in DWT Nylons und Tv
RatzTraumhaft schön sexy wunderschön Erotik pur
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Nylon stockings burst onto the fashion scene back in 1939. And in the years ahead, kinksters the world over have taken nylon to their hearts, bedrooms and even dungeons. Yet even now a Nylon Fetish amongst gay men is unfairly judged and misunderstood. So, what is it about this sheer, seemingly static material that still transfixes and titillates? It’s time to stretch those luscious legs and erotic environs with our Nylon Fetish guide.
Gay and bisexual guys have different attitudes to circumcised cocks. Some love nothing more than rolling back the foreskin with their teeth; others won’t give those that are uncut a second look; some don’t care either way – as long as it’s big enough to do the required job! The common practice in the US is for male babies to be circumcised, as it in certain religions, where a cut dick is believed to encourage cleanliness. In Europe, most hospitals refuse to undertake the procedure, believing the process to be painful and barbaric and that is limits sexual pleasure in adult life.