Bin Heute, 04.03. ab ca 13:30 im PK Herne, Poststr. Warte nackt mit Halsband und verbundenen Augen auf geile Schwänze zum wichsen, blasen und schlucken
Bin im Pornokino immer nackt und suche Leute, die mich benutzen wollen. Werde gerne gefickt, blase und schlucke gerne. Lasse mich auch an der Leine Vorführen und anderen zum Ficken anbieten. Normalerweise bin ich in Pornokinos in Osnabrück, Münster oder Enschede. Würde mich aber auch gerne im Ruhrgebiet, Köln oder Hamburg treffen
With Gay BJs, one has to learn on the job. What else can one do? Practice on a cucumber? Which just isn’t the same. Or study porn. Which still isn’t the same. Because porn stars seem to lack gag reflexes, unlike mere mortals. It’s deeply regretful. Because a guy who dispenses terrible Gay BJs becomes a pariah. But fear not. Our guide to this essential sexual preference will put you to rights.
Check out any of the gay magazines and you’ll see the six pack’s sacred place in gay male culture: it’s the holy grail, the ultimate prize. Some men will do anything to obtain one, and those who can’t be arsed to put in the work will dream of snaring a partner with those immaculate abs. Yet for others – Bears for example – the idea of the six pack is foul. They want mounds of succulent flesh to cling on to. Lesbians – perhaps in rebellion against the body fascism that stifles women – are less obsessed with it all. Sometimes you can’t help but think they’ve got the right idea!
Tattoos have always been used to make a statement. In the past, they’ve been associated with a wide variety of different sub-cultures. They can denote belonging, whether that be to a class or a gang. Inscribe your own secret language and desires on to your skin and create your own work of art. Tribal tattoos are now particularly popular with gay men, and some are more inventive than others. Be as exotic or as prosaic as you like. Be mysterious with an ancient language daubed on your torso, or utterly blatant with the word ‘Sex’ emblazoned at the top of your arse.