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18+ to join! Share nudes of ourselves 😉 and have fun with each other

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Similar preferences as Nude gay men sharing

The term metrosexual was coined by British journalist Mark Simpson in the 1990s. Back then it was a new idea. But today these men are everywhere. Why? Because they're a product of hyper-consumer society. Meticulous about their appearance, metrosexuals shop until they drop. Imagine a male version of the girls in Sex and the City. This of course sounds suspiciously like most city-dwelling gay men. But a significant proportion of metrosexual men are straight. Or so they claim. At least some of the time.
“We’re born naked, and the rest is drag,” said the legendary drag queen RuPaul – and who are we to argue with him? Clothes are a societal construct; fashions change over time and, those proponents of nudism frequently see clothes as a way of hiding your sexuality. There’s a real freedom involved in discarding them and letting everything hang loose. Obviously, you can’t pop out for a pint of milk in your birthday suit, but there are plenty of places – from beaches to clubs and private parties - where you can parade your wears with like-minded people – and avoid all judgment.

Discussions and topics about Nude gay men sharing

  • Hello everyone, I'm a new member year. I'm an older gay man and have seen our community grow over the years. There's still room for improvement but we gotta be grateful for all the support and h ...
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  • Nothing ...
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  • do be in your undies or nude at home

    do you walk and be in your underwear or be nude at home ...
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