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  • Dicks & Buns

    🍆🍑 Hier geht es um Hintern und Schwänze. Zeig doch mal deinen 😋
  • Deutsche TV, TS, DWT, CD, ...

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    Freunde des Wichsen, Lecken und Blasen.
  • Glory Hole und Gucklöcher

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  • Benutzung der Männlichen z...

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Similar preferences as PornArt und erotische Kunst

Forget TV costume dramas and prudish Victorians. Corsets are going mainstream. And male! After all, if it’s good enough for Kim Kardashian, it’s great for us gays. For some guys, Corsets are a way of exploring their femme side. Or emphasising their physique. Others use them in S&M. But from lace to leather, there’s a corset for you. So take a deep breath. Here’s our quick, lacy guide to Corsets for Men.
Beaches mean holidays, and holiday mean no work and plenty of time for…well, sex. There’s something about those waves crashing against the open horizon that just puts you in the mood for passion. You’ll find gay beaches in the major resort areas in Europe and also the US – and, of course, the nude sections of your regular beaches attract plenty of LGBT people. Just don’t be tempted to get your rocks off in the family areas with grandma watching as she dishes out the cucumber sandwiches.