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  • Sissy Sklavenmarkt für Dom...

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  • Mitfahrgelegenheit

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  • Ficken im Ruhrgebiet

    Lasst es im Pott mal so richtig knallen, klatschen und stöhnen 😉
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icon-wio Maxchub created an entry in GEILE PERVERSE NACKTE FICKFREUNDE IND FESTE B
Hallo, ich bin Max, 46, m Bi, verheiratet aus nds. Diese Gruppe hört sich sehr interessant an, hoffe sie ist es auch


Our feet are the most used part of our anatomy. Given the indispensable role they play in our lives, it's a no-brainer that they’re used in our extracurricular antics. Indeed, our feet are second behind our beef bayonets and bountiful backdoors when it comes to the most commonly eroticised body parts. But despite this, foot fetishism is still shrouded in mystery and mockery. It’s time to peel off those dowdy socks. Wriggle those toes. Put your best foot forward. And greedily embrace a new realm of salacious shenanigans.
It may not be the most beautiful part of the male body to look at, but the scrotum can be the gateway for endless pleasure. Tug them, twist them, give them a good sucking (‘tea bagging’) wobble them merrily. or if you’re feeling daring place them in the latest cock and ball torture device. Some are like shrivelled walnuts and others like bountiful, low-hanging fruit ripe for the plucking. The sensation of having them played with is like no other: a very delicate balance between pain and a taunting, even excruciating pleasure.
Ready to yield to a big bad Dom? Welcome to the wild world of BDSM. We’re not talking a bit of light kink here. But something altogether heavier. The first rule of Gay BDSM is to know what you’re getting into. And there are hundreds of different scenarios to choose from depending upon your proclivities. So, let’s crack that whip, tighten those ropes and explore.