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Gender Male
Age 23
Status Single
Height 200cm
Zodiac sign Aquarius
I can speak German

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Ich bin seit über einem Jahr nun Teil des Gay/s Teams und kümmere mich hauptsächlich um SEO und gehe sicher, dass ihr immer Content im Magazin und im Newsfeed findet!

Neuerdings bin ich auch für Gays.com und GAUDI im Einsatz. Apropos: GAUDI ist kostenlos und echt nice :coffee_happy:

Bleibt alle gesund!



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icon-wio RomeoRichards is going to the event GAUDI Launch Party Barcelona
  • 13.04.2023 15:57:21
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icon-wio RomeoRichards made a comment
  • 10.03.2023 10:28:46
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Warning: It's getting hot in here 🔥 Today, we're checking out the Gay Daddy 👀 We know how hot you think they are 🤤 (Little secret: The Gays.com admin loves them too 😅) How has your experience been with Gay Daddies? Share in the comment section 👇

Like Patluvdixandass69, ScatMillionaire, RomeoRichards · Or share your hot stuff in the gay sex forum 👀
icon-wio RomeoRichards created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
Gay premature ejaculation: More common than you think
Hey all! Let's talk about gay premature ejaculation! It's a real issue that a lot of us face (me included), and it can be super frustrating. But don't worry, there are ways to manage it and still have great sex.
One trick is the stop-start technique. When you feel like you're about to finish, take More…a break and then start up again when you're feeling more in control. You can also try using a desensitizing spray or condom to help prolong the experience.
But remember, communication is always key. Talk to your partner about what's going on and work together to find a solution that works for both of you. And if you're feeling embarrassed or alone, there are online forums (like the one on Gays) and support groups where you can connect with others who are going through the same thing.
So, have you dealt with gay premature ejaculation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's start a conversation about this common issue and help each other out
Like ScatMillionaire, Smokey-4604
icon-wio RomeoRichards wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 23.02.2023 15:32:58
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
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icon-wio RomeoRichards created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
Vers bottom meaning? Versatile bottom tips?
What's the meaning of vers bottom? First off hi all so I used to consider myself vers bottom and would also list myself as that on gay apps like gaudi or grindr. To me that means I generally prefer being a bottom and being dominated, but I’ve fantasised about being a dominator for once and acting More…as a top. Is that the real vers bottom meaning?
A friend of mine corrected me a few days ago, saying I got it wrong and being very bottom merely means fooling around with someone just with no need for anal stuff? If anyone can tell me what exactly they think versatile bottoms are and have any tips on how I can communicate my gay position better in the future? Thanks
Like Smokey-4604 · 3 Replies
Yter Hello Hello
Like · 11.04.2024 5:49:11
Qosmonauty ➦ Qosmonauty quote RomeoRichards: ❝... I’ve fantasised about being a dominator for once and acting as a top. ...❞
If that is a fantasy, go for it, you'll make some or many Bottom(s) very happy. Versatile men who can be a Top or Bottom, DOM or sub, can have the most fun. At your age you should explore the pleasures of sex between men, but you don't have to settle down for only one outlet - let your horniness and the man you are with direct the fun you have with each other ➦ Qosmonauty quote RomeoRichards: ❝... I’ve fantasised about being a dominator for once and acting as a top. ...❞
If that is a fantasy, go for it, you'll make some or many Bottom(s) very happy. Versatile men who can be a Top or Bottom, DOM or sub, can have the most fun. At your age you should explore the pleasures of sex between men, but you don't have to settle down for only one outlet - let your horniness and the man you are with direct the fun you have with each other
Like · 02.06.2023 0:13:08
John_Thain To me, versatile bottom means that you like both topping and bottoming, but have more of a preference/lean more towards bottoming. Versatile top would be the opposite. To me, versatile bottom means that you like both topping and bottoming, but have more of a preference/lean more towards bottoming. Versatile top would be the opposite.
Like Qosmonauty · 25.02.2023 17:54:30
icon-wio RomeoRichards created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
Vers top experiences? Maybe tips?
Hi dear GAUDI community! This is one of your admins asking for some advice for once haha :)
Basically I would like to know if anyone here has experience as a vers top and if they have any tips surrounding it all? I’ve bottomed quite a lot recently and am starting to feel the desire that I wanna More…top more! But I am open to some top/bottom games (that’s why “vers” top).
I’ve been an avid enjoyer of the preference pages on Gays and am just a big fan of the Top page. There is also a Bottom page and also some preferences regarding role plays and tribes. Let me know what you all are into!
Hope to read something informative surrounding vers top. Thanks in advance!
Like HairyHiker, sweet500, cromwell957 and 1 more…
icon-wio RomeoRichards has picked up their birthday gift
  • 06.02.2023 12:56:53
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
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icon-wio RomeoRichards picked up the birthday gift
  • 06.02.2023 12:56:53
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
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icon-wio RomeoRichards likes DMEN'S Gay Bar
  • 26.01.2023 12:25:53
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
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icon-wio RomeoRichards created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
Experiences with women as a gay man??
How is it with you guys?? Sexual experiences with the other gender ... have you had any?
Do you see it positive? As a good life experience you can remember? Or even just because the other person means a lot to you??
Sex and Love need sympathy and trust imo, how is it with you guys?
Like sweet500, cromwell957, Smokey-4604 and 4 more… · 2 Replies
Andreiwilliam My favourite is Porn Star Leaks; they have a lot of amazing content, some of which is really close to reality when it comes to having sex. They have a lot of real amateur girls, and you can see them losing their virginity in front of the camera. It's a great way to watch some amateur *** girls who More… are having sex for the first time, and it's a great way to enjoy their first anal videos and young girls who are getting their pussies for the first time. There are new videos added regularly, and the site is updated constantly.
Like · 14.02.2023 18:43:21
BfreeDutchHot ➦ BfreeDutchHot quote RomeoRichards: ❝Hoe is het met jullie?? Seksuele ervaringen met het andere geslacht ... heb je die gehad?
Zie je het positief? Als een goede levenservaring die je kunt herinneren? Of eigenlijk gewoon omdat de andere veel voor je betekent??
Seks en liefde hebben sympathie en More… vertrouwen nodig imo, hoe gaat het met jullie?❞
Licht bisexueel met voorkeur voor vrouwen maar heb idd wel ervaring met gehad dus voelde goed enkel waarom beëindig je een contract omdat je als mens toch kunt gaan botsen met elkaars karakter dus vandaar!
Like · 25.01.2023 17:14:38
icon-wio RomeoRichards uncover the first icon
  • 05.12.2022 16:04:00
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
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icon-wio RomeoRichards made a comment
  • 01.12.2022 15:30:46
  • Male (23)
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World Aids DayThis day is an opportunity for public and private partners to spread awareness about the status of the pandemic and encourage progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care around the world.
Like ScatMillionaire, solo_, RomeoRichards and 2 more…
icon-wio RomeoRichards created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
Am I active or passive? The gays.com gay personality quiz
Am I active or passive? You'd be surprised how many Gays and GAUDI users don't know themselves! In fact, that included me! I may be a Gays mod, but I'm still only human and tbh I was unsure what kind of a gay I am. Active or passive? Black or white? Ying or Yang? It's never that easy tho, More…unfortunately, which is why I took the Gays and GAUDI personality quiz and was happy to see I'm 80% Top and 20% Bottom. This gave me a good indication of how active or passive I was and honestly, it seems accurate. Now that I think about it, I do prefer to Top. So what about you? Active or passive? Or maybe ... Versatile?
Like Smokey-4604
mc1471 What ever you like to call me . What ever you like to call me .
Like · 23.12.2022 13:32:30
solo_ depends on how everything has been going... depends on how everything has been going...
Like · 06.12.2022 13:03:30
Leche6969 Hey you have that morning urge issue with you to get to play tonight call me if you have time Hey you have that morning urge issue with you to get to play tonight call me if you have time
Like · 03.12.2022 7:41:23
icon-wio RomeoRichards created an entry in Queere Sportvereine
Was haltet ihr von der WM bis jetzt so?
Like Kuno63
icon-wio RomeoRichards finished the Gay Personality Test
  • 23.11.2022 11:13:55
  • Male (23)
  • Barcelona
  • Single



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